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【浓    度】:1mg/1ml 抗体来源

【宿   主】:兔源、鼠源、其他  克隆:单克隆抗体、多克隆抗体

【适   用】:Human, Mouse, Rat, Chicken, Dog, Pig, Cow, Horse, Sheep, Monkey,  others 抗体类型:一抗 研究领域:细胞生物、神经生物学等 

【性    状】:A型流感病毒-NS1抗体冻干粉或液体

【相关标记】:FITCGold HRPPE   PE-Cy3PE-CY5PE-CY5.5 PE-CY7 RBITC   Alexa Fluor 350Alexa Fluor 488  Alexa Fluor 555 Alexa Fluor 647AP APC  Biotin Cy3 Cy5 Cy5.5 Cy7 

【储  液】: Preservative: 15mM Sodium Azide, Constituents: 1% BSA, 0.01M PBS, pH 7.4 or PBS with 0.1% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3. -20oC, Avoid freeze / thaw cycles.

【产品应用】 Immunohistochemistry IHC, Flow Cytometry FACS , Western Blotting WB , ELISA , Immunohistochemistry , Immunohistochemistry Paraffin-embedded Sections IHC p)) , Immunoprecipitation IP , Immunocytochemistry ICC Immunofluorescence IF)等。

A型流感病毒-NS1抗体phospho-SYT1(Ser309)  磷酸化突触结合蛋白1抗体量最高,因此是最重要的抗感染分子,包括抗菌、抗病毒、抗毒素等。 IgG 还能激活补体,结合并增强巨噬细胞的吞噬功能(调理作用和 ADCC 效应),穿过胎盘,保护胎儿及新生婴儿免受感染。 2IgA :分单体和双体两种。前者存在血清中,后者存在于黏膜表面及分泌液中,是黏膜局部抗感染的重要因素。(3IgM :是分子量最大,体内受感染后最早产生的抗体,具有很强的激活补体和调理作用,因此是重要的抗感染因子,且常用于诊断早期感染。  4IgD :主要存在于成熟 B 细胞表面,是 B 细胞识别抗原的受体。 5IgE :血清中含量最少的抗体,某些过敏性体质的人血清中可检测到,参与介导 I 型超敏反应和抗寄生虫感染。


xy-E10673人硫酸褪黑色素(MS)ELISA试剂盒Human melatonin sulfate (MS) ELISA kit

xy-E10674人长效甲状腺刺激素(LATS)ELISA试剂盒One long-acting thyroid stimulating hormone (LATS) ELISA kit

xy-E10675人抗利尿激素/血管加压素/精氨酸加压素(ADH/VP/AVP)ELISA试剂盒Human antidiuretic hormone / vasopressin / arginine vasopressin (ADH / VP / AVP) ELISA kit

xy-E10676人甘丙肽/甘丙素(GAL)ELISA试剂盒Human galanin / galanin (GAL) ELISA kit

xy-E10677人促胰液素/分泌素受体(SR)ELISA试剂盒Human secretin / secretagogue receptor (SR) ELISA kit

xy-E10678人雌激素受体(ER)ELISA试剂盒Human estrogen receptor (ER) ELISA Kit

xy-E10679人超敏生长激素(U S-GH)ELISA试剂盒Human growth hormone hypersensitivity (U S-GH) ELISA kit

xy-E10680人超敏前列腺特异性抗原(PSA-U S)ELISA试剂盒People hypersensitive prostate specific antigen (PSA-U S) ELISA kit

xy-E10681人苯丙酸诺龙/苯丙酸去甲睾酮(NP)ELISA试剂盒People Nandrolone / acrylic acid nortestosterone (NP) ELISA kit

xy-E10682人16α羟基雌酮1(16-α OHE-1)ELISA试剂盒16α hydroxy human estrone 1 (16-α OHE-1) ELISA Kit

xy-E10683人氢化可的松(HYD)ELISA试剂盒Human hydrocortisone (HYD) ELISA Kit

xy-E10684人糖皮质激素受体β(GR-β)ELISA试剂盒Human glucocorticoid receptor β (GR-β) ELISA Kit

xy-E10685人糖皮质激素受体α(GR-α)ELISA试剂盒Human glucocorticoid receptor α (GR-α) ELISA kit

xy-E10686人高敏三碘甲状腺原氨酸(u-T3)ELISA试剂盒Gao Min three people triiodothyronine (u-T3) ELISA kit

xy-E10687人黄体生成素释放激素(LHRH)ELISA试剂盒Human luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) ELISA kit

xy-E10688人8异前列腺素(8-iso-PG)ELISA试剂盒People 8 isoprostane (8-iso-PG) ELISA kit

xy-E10689人肾素(Renin)ELISA试剂盒Human renin (Renin) ELISA Kit

xy-E10690人肾上腺素(EPI)ELISA试剂盒Human epinephrine (EPI) ELISA Kit

xy-E10691人雌二醇受体(ER)ELISA试剂盒Human estradiol receptor (ER) ELISA kit

xy-E10692人甲状旁腺激素相关蛋白(PTHrP)ELISA试剂盒Human parathyroid hormone -related protein (PTHrP) ELISA kit

xy-E10693人血管紧张素原(aGT)ELISA试剂盒Human angiotensinogen (aGT) ELISA kit

xy-E10694人血管紧张素Ⅰ(Ang-Ⅰ)ELISA试剂盒Human angiotensin Ⅰ (Ang-Ⅰ) ELISA kit

xy-E10695人卵泡抑素(FS)ELISA试剂盒Human follistatin (FS) ELISA kit

xy-E10696人甲状腺素抗体(TAb)ELISA试剂盒Human thyroid antibodies (TAb) ELISA kit

xy-E10697人儿茶酚胺(CA)ELISA试剂盒People catecholamine (CA) ELISA kit

xy-E10698人半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂/胱抑素C(Cys-C)ELISA试剂盒Human cystatin / cystatin C (Cys-C) ELISA kit

xy-E10699人乙酰胆碱受体抗体(AChRab)ELISA试剂盒Human acetylcholine receptor antibody (AChRab) ELISA kit

xy-E10700人5羟色胺(5-HT)ELISA试剂盒Human serotonin (5-HT) ELISA Kit

xy-E10701人抑制素A(INH-A)ELISA试剂盒Inhibin A (INH-A) ELISA Kit

xy-E10702人性激素结合球蛋白(SHBG)ELISA试剂盒Human sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) ELISA kit

xy-E10703人脱氢表雄酮S7(DHEA-S7)ELISA试剂盒People DHEA S7 (DHEA-S7) ELISA kit

xy-E10704人脱氢表雄酮(DHEA)ELISA试剂盒People DHEA (DHEA) ELISA kit

xy-E10705人降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)ELISA试剂盒Human calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) ELISA kit

xy-E10706人生长抑素(SS)ELISA试剂盒Human somatostatin (SS) ELISA Kit

xy-E10707人生长激素释放多肽(GHRP) ELISA试剂盒Human growth hormone releasing peptide (GHRP) ELISA Kit

xy-E10708人抑制素B(INH-B)ELISA试剂盒Inhibin B (INH-B) ELISA kit