参考价: 面议
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 浓缩液(1mg/1ml) 亲和纯化抗体



WB=1:100-500 Elisa =1:200-1000 IP=1:20-100 IHC=1:100-500    (石蜡切片需做抗原修复)



T cell activation by APCs is positively and negatively regulated by members of the B7 family. We have identified a previously unknown function for B7 familyrelated protein V-set and Ig domaincontaining 4 (VSIG4). Administration to mice of soluble VSIG4-Ig fusion molecules reduced the induction of T cell responses in vivo and inhibited the production of Th celldependent IgG responses. Unlike that of B7 family members, surface expression of VSIG4 was restricted to resting tissue macrophages and absent upon activation by LPS or in autoimmune inflammatory foci. The specific expression of VSIG4 on resting macrophages in tissue suggests that this inhibitory ligand may be important for the maintenance of T cell unresponsiveness in healthy tissues

xy-9116R BAGE4肿瘤/睾丸抗原2.4抗体

xy-0044R BNP脑钠素/利钠肽抗体


xy-1089R B-RafB Raf抗体

xy-0802R BRCA1乳腺癌易感基因1抗体

xy-1210R FANCB乳腺癌易感基因2抗体

xy-0489R BrdU溴脱氧尿苷抗体

xy-0031R BTG2B细胞迁移基因2抗体

xy-1012R BMP2骨形态发生蛋白2抗体

xy-2242R BMP7骨形态发生蛋白7抗体

xy-1090R Beta cateninβ-连环蛋白/β-连环素/β链接素抗体

xy-1165R Beta cateninβ-连环蛋白/β-连环素/β链接素抗体

xy-7679R BCCIP乳腺癌易感基因2和p21蛋白抑制因子抗体

xy-7589R Blood Group Antigen Precursor血型抗原前体蛋白抗体

xy-7590R CD238凯尔血型糖蛋白CD238抗体

xy-7700R BTN2A2嗜乳脂蛋白亚家族2成员A2抗体

xy-9447R BMP10骨形态发生蛋白10抗体

xym-0917M BrdU (A7)溴脱氧尿苷单克隆抗体(增殖标志物)

xy-9551R BEND2BEND2蛋白抗体

xy-4729R Bone Sialoprotein骨涎蛋白

xy-8876R Vibrio Parahemolyticus Polar flagellin B/D副溶血性弧菌菌体鞭毛蛋白抗体

xy-8159R BTBD6BTBD6蛋白抗体

xy-6910R BMPERBMP内皮细胞调节蛋白抗体

xy-8158R HCV NS5A transactivated protein 8丙肝病毒NS5A反转录蛋白8抗体

xy-6401R BMP1骨形态发生蛋白1/胶原C蛋白肽链内切酶抗体

xy-6909R BMP9骨形态发生蛋白9抗体

xy-7849R Beta tubulin cofactor D微管蛋白β辅助因子D抗体

xy-13714R BTR1钙粘蛋白相关蛋白受体BTR1抗体

xy-7835R Bub3有丝分裂蛋白BUB3抗体

xy-11653R BHLHB9/p60TRPp60TRP蛋白抗体

xy-11654R BLMH博莱霉素水解酶抗体

xy-11655R Aggrecan短蛋白聚糖抗体

xy-8397R BTBD3BTB/POZ结构域蛋白3抗体

xy-11505R BBS12巴尔得-别德尔综合征相关蛋白12抗体

xy-12903R BZW1碱性亮氨酸拉链蛋白BZW1抗体

xy-6639R BMPR1B骨形态发生蛋白受体1B抗体

xy-6681R BNIP1Bcl2相互作用蛋白1抗体(转化相关基因8蛋白)

xy-6614R BMP5骨形态发生蛋白5抗体

xy-6612R BMP15骨形态发生蛋白15抗体