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浓缩液(1mg/1ml) 亲和纯化抗体


WB=1:100-500 Elisa =1:200-1000 IP=1:20-100 IHC=1:100-500    (石蜡切片需做抗原修复)


    IL-2作为一种T细胞生长因子在免疫应答及其调节中起重要作用,IL-2的拮抗剂可用于同种移植排斥、T细胞性白血病以及某些自身免疫性疾病的治疗.胞内IL-2的水平是反映Th1 /Th2型细胞平衡状态的一个有用指标,血清IL-2的水平异常增高与某些疾病密切相关. 

    Interleukin 2 (IL2) is a secreted cytokine that is important for the proliferation of T and B lymphocytes. The receptor of this cytokine is a heterotrimeric protein complex whose gamma chain is also shared by interleukin 4 (IL4) and interleukin 7 (IL7). The expression of this gene in mature thymocytes is monoallelic, which represents an unusual regulatory mode for controlling the precise expression of a single gene. The targeted disruption of a similar gene in mice leads to ulcerative colitis like disease, which suggests an essential role of this gene in the immune response to antigenic stimuli. IL2 has been shown to have antitumor effects in some studies. This is probably mediated by cytotoxic effector cells. It produced by T-cells in response to antigenic or mitogenic stimulation, this protein is required for T-cell proliferation and other activities crucial to regulation of the immune response. Can stimulate B-cells, monocytes, lymphokine-activated killer cells, natural killer cells, and glioma cells. Belongs to the IL-2 family

xy-13266R Galectin 10半乳糖凝集素10抗体

xy-13267R GALK2半乳糖激酶2抗体

xy-13268R GALM半乳糖脱氢酶抗体

xy-13269R GALNS硫酸软骨素裂解酶抗体

xy-13270R GALNT10多肽N-乙酰氨基半乳糖转移酶10抗体

xy-13271R GALNT11多肽N-乙酰氨基半乳糖转移酶11抗体


xy-13272R GALNT12多肽N-乙酰氨基半乳糖转移酶12抗体

xy-13273R GALNT1多肽N-乙酰氨基半乳糖转移酶1抗体

xy-13276R gamma C Crystallin晶状体球蛋白γ3/γC-crystallin/白内障相关蛋白抗体

xy-13277R GCP3γ-微管蛋白复合物GCP3抗体

xy-13278R GAMT胍基乙酸N甲基转移酶抗体

xy-13279R GANCα-葡萄糖苷酶C抗体

xy-8867R GHRHR生长激素释放因子受体抗体

xy-13282R GAPDHS3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶抗体

xy-13283R GAPex5Rab5激活蛋白6抗体

xy-13290R GAS41NuBI蛋白结合蛋白1抗体

xy-13291R GSDMLGSDML蛋白抗体

xy-13293R phospho-GATA2 (Ser401)磷酸化GATA结合蛋白2抗体

xy-13294R phospho-GATA3 (Ser308)磷酸化GATA结合蛋白3抗体

xy-13295R phospho-GATA4 (Ser105)磷酸化GATA结合蛋白4抗体

xy-13296R GATMGATM蛋白抗体

xy-3766R GARB1γ1氨基丁酸受体GABAA Rβ1抗体

xy-13499R GPATCH2G蛋白修补结构域蛋白2抗体

xy-3882R GPX1谷胱甘肽过氧化酶1

xy-3790R GM-CSF粒细胞-巨噬细胞克隆刺激因子抗体

xy-15361R GPR62G蛋白偶联受体GPR62蛋白抗体

xy-3854R GREB1乳腺癌雌激素调控蛋白GREB1抗体

xy-4720R GDF9生长分化因子9抗体

xy-2188R GAPDH 3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶抗体

xy-3818R GDF15生长分化因子15/巨嗜细胞抑制因子1抗体

xy-15392R GPR91G蛋白偶联受体GPR91蛋白抗体

xy-4241R GLUT8葡萄糖转运蛋白8抗体

xy-6622R Glycophorin C糖蛋白C抗体

xy-6617R GABA Transporter 1γ氨基丁酸运载蛋白1抗体

xy-6616R GATA2GATA结合蛋白2抗体

xy-4279R Growth Arrest Specific Protein 7生长休止特定蛋白7抗体

xy-8454R phospho-GluR1 (Ser836)磷酸化谷氨酸受体1抗体

xy-12025R GPR116G蛋白偶联受体116抗体

xy-4109R G protein alpha 12鸟苷酸调节蛋白12抗体