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 浓缩液(1mg/1ml) 亲和纯化抗体


 WB=1:100-500 Elisa =1:200-1000 IP=1:20-100 IHC=1:100-500    (石蜡切片需做抗原修复)



 G蛋白偶联受体CKR-L2( G protein-coupled receptor-2 )又称:又称G蛋白偶联受体9(GPR9)-是受体中最大的家族,大多数的细胞膜表面受体都是G蛋白偶联受体家族的成员。
Interferon-inducible protein 10 receptor
IP-10 receptor
CD183 antigen
G protein-coupled receptor 9
C-X-C Chemokine receptor
 Summary: This gene encodes a G protein-coupled receptor with selectivity for three chemokines, termed IP10(interferon-g-inducible 10 kDa protein), Mig (monokine induced by interferon-g) and I-TAC (interferon-inducible T cell a-chemoattractant). IP10, Mig and I-TAC belong to the structural subfamily of CXC chemokines, in which a single amino acid residue separates the first two of four highly conserved Cys residues. Binding of chemokines to this protein induces cellular responses that are involved in leukocyte traffic, most notably integrin activation, cytoskeletal changes and chemotactic migration. Inhibition by Bordetella pertussis toxin suggests that heterotrimeric G protein of the Gi-subclass couple to this protein. Signal transduction has not been further analyzed but may include the same enzymes that were identified in the signaling cascade induced by other chemokine receptors. As a consequence of chemokine-induced cellular desensitization(phosphorylation-dependent receptor internalization), cellular responses are typically rapid and short in duration. Cellular responsiveness is restored after dephosphorylation of intracellular receptors and subsequent recycling to the cell surface. This gene is prominently expressed in in vitro cultured effector/memory T cells, and in T cells present in many types of inflamed tissues. In addition, IP10, Mig and I-TAC are commonly produced by local cells in inflammatory lesion, suggesting that this gene and its chemokines participate in the recruitment of inflammatory cells. Therefore, this protein is a target for the development of small molecular weight antagonists, which may be used in the treatment of diverse inflammatory diseases. Multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene.


hz-3368R Phospho-RSK2(Tyr529)  磷酸化核糖体S6激酶RSK2抗体

hz-3553R RSK3/Ribosomal S6 kinase 3  核糖体蛋白S6激酶家族RSK3抗体

hz-3365R Phospho-RSK3 (Thr353/356)  磷酸化核糖体蛋白S6激酶家族RSK3抗体

hz-3366R Phospho-RSK3 (Thr356/Ser360)  磷酸化核糖体蛋白S6激酶家族RSK3抗体

hz-1264R RSV  呼吸道合胞病毒抗体

hz-1379R RXR Alpha/RXRA/Retinoid X receptor  核受体RXRα抗体

hz-2802R RXR gamma  维甲酸受体G抗体

hz-6219R RXR beta/RXRB  核受体RXRβ抗体

hz-2744R RUNX1/AML1  急性髓细胞白血病1蛋白抗体

hz-3024R phospho-RUNX1(Ser266)  磷酸化急性髓细胞白血病1蛋白抗体

hz-0378R Runx3  Runx3抗体

hz-2018R SDH/S6PDH  6-磷酸山梨醇脱氢酶抗体

hz-3829R SDH/Sorbitol Dhzydrogenase  山梨醇脱氢酶抗体

hz-3970R SDHA  琥珀酸脱氢酶复合体亚基A抗体

hz-3971R SDHD  线粒体琥珀酸脱氢酶D抗体

hz-2015R S100B  S100B蛋白抗体

hz-0850R S-100/S100A1  S100A1抗体

hz-2617R S100A13  S100A13抗体

hz-5102R S100A14  S100A14/15抗体

hz-3759R S100A4  S100A4抗体

hz-3819R S100A6BP/CACYBP  钙周期素结合蛋白抗体

hz-1887R SAMDC  S-腺苷蛋氨酸脱羧酶抗体

hz-2696R S100A8  S100钙结合蛋白A8抗体

hz-5529R S100A6  S100钙结合蛋白A6抗体

hz-2697R S100-A9/MRP14/CFAG/Calgranulin B  S100A9抗体

hz-4146R S100A11  S100钙结合蛋白A11抗体

hz-0690M Shrimp tropomyosin  南美白对虾过敏原蛋白(虾原肌球蛋白)抗体

hz-4165R S100P  S100钙结合蛋白P抗体

hz-0121R SYP p38/Synaptophysin/SAP-1  突触素抗体/突触相关蛋白-1

hz-0132R SARS putative orflab polyprotein  冠状病毒抗体

hz-0130R SARS S-protein  抗冠状病毒表面S蛋白抗体

hz-5029R SAHH  S腺苷L-同型半胱氨酸水解酶

hz-1609R SATB1  核基质结合区结合蛋白1抗体