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LGC英国政府化学实验室(Laboratory of Government Chemist)是欧洲最大的标准物质(生产商和供应商)之一,已有170多年的历史,在全球拥有16家分公司,拥有60000余种工业标准品,其中美国分公司VHG专业生产石油标准物质。 生产的标油包括:

磨损金属标油―Wear Metal Standards

磨损金属内标标样―Internal Standards

磨损金属标样稳定剂―Stabilizer for Wear Metal Standards

金属添加剂标油―Metal Additives Standards

基体空白油溶剂和ICP溶剂―Matrix Oils and Solvents

单元素金属有机标油(含硫)―Single-Element Metallo-Organic Standards

D系列多元素磨损金属标油―D-Series Multi-Element Wear Metal Standards

应用油品分析标样―Standards for Used Oil Analysis

酸值和碱值标油―Acid Number and Base Number Standards

Soot油烟含量标油―Soot Content Standards

燃料稀释标油―Fuel Dilution Standards

冷却液检测标油―Coolant Standards

多元素冷却液标油Multi-Element Coolant Standards

裂纹测试参考标油―Crackle Test Reference Standards

卡尔费休滴定法水分标油―Karl Fischer Titration Certified Reference Standards

蒸馏测试油标―Distillation Standards

能力验证项目―Performance Testing Program

S, N, Cl和金属元素油标―Standards for S, N, Cl, and Metals

单元素金属有机标油(无硫)XRF―Single-Element, Sulfur-Free Metallo-Organic Standards

金属有机浓缩物―Metallo-Organic Concentrates

磨损金属标油,适用于XRF方法―Wear Metal Standards for XRF

内标标样,适用于XRF方法―Internal Standards for XRF Analysis

润滑油硫标金属元素油标―Sulfur and Metals in Oil Standards

润滑油标样―Lube Oil Standards

柴油硫标―Standards for Sulfur in Diesel Fuel Analysis

煤油硫标―Sulfur in Kerosene Standards

汽油硫标―Sulfur in Isooctane Standards

原油和渣油硫标―Sulfur in Crude and Residual Oil Standards

聚硫油标样―Polysulfide Oil Standards

汽油产品的硫标(安瓿瓶封装)―Sulfur in Petroleum Products (Ampoules)

硫和氮测定校准套装(安瓿瓶)―Sulfur & Nitrogen Products (Ampoules)

氯油标―Chlorine in Oil Standards

汽油中的铅标样―Standards for Lead in Gasoline

石油产品物理测试标样―Petroleum Physical Test Standards

闪点标样―Flash Point Reference Materials

粘度标样―Viscosity Reference Standards

倾点--- Pour Point,

浊点--- Cloud Point,

冰点标样―Freezing Point Reference Materials

冷滤点标样―Cold Filter Plug Point Reference Materials


生物柴油中的金属元素标样―Metals in Biodiesel Standards

生物柴油中的硫标样―Sulfur in Biodiesel Standards

生物柴油/柴油混合燃料―Biodiesel/Diesel Fuel Blends