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食酸戴尔福特菌 CICC 24336

  • 中文名称:食酸戴尔福特菌

  • 拉丁名称:Delftia acidovorans

  • 其它保藏中心编号:=CGMCC 1.3363 =ATCC 15668 =CCUG 12692 =CIP 103021 =DSM 39 =JCM 5833 =LMG 1226 =NCIMB 968 =NCTC 10683

  • 来源历史:←CGMCC

  • 收藏时间:2018/1/4

  • 原始编号:2167

  • 原产国:荷兰

  • 资源归类编码:15131113104

  • 模式菌株:模式菌株

  • 主要用途:分类;研究

  • 特征特性:菌体杆状,单个或成对排列,革兰氏阴性。16S rRNA 基因序列号:AB021417,AF078774,G+C (mol%): 67.1。

  • 生物危害程度:四类

  • 培养基编号:CM0002

  • 培养基名称:营养肉汁琼脂

  • 培养基成分:蛋白胨 5.0g,牛肉浸取物 3.0g,NaCl 5.0g,琼脂 15.0g,蒸馏水 1.0L,pH7.0。[注] 培养芽孢杆菌时加入5mg MnSO4·H2O,则有利于产生芽孢。

  • 培养温度:30℃

  • 需氧类型:好氧

  • 分离基物:富含乙酰胺的土壤

  • 采集地:荷兰代尔夫特

  • 保存方法:-80℃冰箱冻结法;真空冷冻干燥法

  • 共享方式:公益性共享;资源纯交易性共享;合作研究共享;资源交换性共享

  • 提供形式:冻干物

  • 参考文献:(1) Stanier RY, et al. The aerobic pseudomonads: a taxonomic study. J. Gen. Microbiol. 43: 159-271, 1966. (2) Tamaoka J, et al. Reclassification of Pseudomonas acidovorans den Dooren de Jong 1926 and Pseudomonas testosteroni Marcus and Talalay 1956 as Comamonas acidovorans comb. nov. and Comamonas testosteroni comb. nov., with an emended description of the genus Comamonas. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 37: 52-59, 1987. (3) Willems A, et al. Polyphasic taxonomic study of the emended genus Comamonas: relationship to Aquaspirillum aquaticum, E. Falsen Group 10, and other clinical isolates. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 41: 427-444, 1991. (4) Hovanec TA, DeLong EF. Comparative analysis of nitrifying bacteria associated with freshwater and marine aquaria. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62: 2888-2896, 1996. (5) Skerman VB, et al. Approved lists of bacterial names. Int J Syst Bacteriol 30: 225-420, 1980. (6) Wen A, et al. Phylogenetic relationships among members of the Comamonadaceae, and description of Delftia acidovorans (den Dooren de Jong 1926 and Tamaoka et al. 1987) gen. nov., comb. nov.. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 49: 567-576, 1999.