参考价: ¥ 980
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启动子: CMV promoter

复制子: pUC ori,f1 ori

终止子: SV40 poly(A) signal

质粒分类: 哺乳系列质粒;哺乳荧光质粒;哺乳红色质粒

质粒大小: 4715bp

质粒标签: N-DsRed2

原核抗性: 卡那霉素Kan(50μg/ml

筛选标记: 新霉素Neo/G418

克隆菌株: DH5α等大肠杆菌

培养条件: 37℃,有氧 LB

表达宿主: 293T等哺乳细胞

培养条件: 37℃,5%CO2

诱导方式: 无须诱导,瞬时表达



备注: 哺乳细胞线粒体红色荧光定位质粒




       pDsRed2-Mito is a mammalian expression vector that encodes a fusion of Discosoma sp. Red fluorescent protein (DsRed2; 1, 2) and the mitochondrial targeting sequence from subunit VIII of human cytochrome c oxidase (Mito; 3, 4). The Mito sequence is fused to the 5'-end of DsRed2, a human codon-optimized DsRed variant that is engineered for faster maturation and lower nonspecific aggregation (1, 5). The Mito sequence targets the Mito-DsRed2 fusion protein to the host cell’s mitochondria.

       To drive expression of Mito-DsRed2, this vector contains the immmediate early promoter of cytomegalovirus (PCMV IE ). SV40 polyadenylation signals downstream of the DsRed2 gene direct proper processing of the 3'-end of the Mito-DsRed2 mRNA. This vector also contains an SV40 origin for replication in any mammalian cell line that expresses the SV40 T-antigen, a pUC origin of replication for propagation in E. coli, and an f1 origin for single-stranded DNA production. A neomycin resistance cassette—consisting of the SV40 early promoter (PSV40e), the neomycin/kanamycin resistance gene of Tn5 (Neor/Kanr), and polyadenylation signals from the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV TK poly A) geneallow stably transfected eukaryotic cells to be selected using G418 (6). A bacterial promoter (P) upstream of this cassette drives expression of the gene encoding kanamycin resistance in E. coli.

      pDsRed2-Mito is designed for fluorescent labeling of mitochondria. The vector can be introduced into mammalian cells using any standard transfection method. If required, stable transformants can be selected using G418 (6). The Mito-DsRed2 fusion (excitation/emission maxima: 558 nm/583 nm) can be detected by fluorescence microscopy and by flow cytometry. Filter sets optimized for detecting DsRed by microscopy are available from Chroma Technology Corporation and Omega Optical Inc. Please see their websites (www.chroma.com and www.omegafilters.com) and the Living Colors® Vol. II User Manual, provided with this vector, for more information. To detect MitoDsRed2-expressing cells by flow cytometry, use the instrument’s argon-ion laser to excite the fluorophore at 488 nm and the FL-2 channel to detect the fluorophores emission at 583 nm.






        ①收到质粒干粉后请先5000rpm离心1min,再加入20μl 无菌水溶解质粒;
        ②2μl质粒加至100μl 感受态中,冰浴30min后,42℃热激60s,不要搅动,再冰浴2min






