参考价: ¥ 1
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菌种名称: 慢葡萄球菌

拉丁文名: Staphylococcus lentus

其他编号: DSM 20352= ATCC 29070

培养基编号: 35,100

培养温度: 37℃

用途: 模式菌株


分离源: 山羊的乳房

培养基编号: 35

名称: Blond Agar (血琼脂培养基)

备注: Peptone (蛋白胨) 10g Glucose (葡萄糖) 2g NaCl 5g NaH2PO4 2.5g Sodium citrate (柠檬酸钠) 5g Brain infusion (脑浸汁) 800ml Pig heart infusion (猪心浸) 200ml Sleep Blood (羊血) 10% pH 7.2 [Note]:Preparation of pig brain and pig heart infusion: (1) Smash up 100g fresh pig heart (without fat and blood vessel).Add distilled water up to 1000ml; (2) Cut 200g fresh pig brain (without blood vessel). Add distilled water up to 1000ml; (3) Keep the two infusions at 50℃ for 1 hr , then boil for 15 minutes; (4) Cool and filtrate through gauze . [注]猪心和猪脑浸汁法:(1)新鲜猪心除去心头和脂肪,搅碎100克加蒸馏水至1000毫升;(2)新鲜猪脑除去血管,取200克加蒸馏水至1000毫升;(3)50℃保温1小时,然后煮开15分钟;(4)冷却后用纱布过滤备用。

培养基编号: 100

名称: TSA

备注: Trypticase soy broth 30.0g Agar 15.0g Distilled water 1000ml pH7.3
