参考价: ¥ 1
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菌种名称: 橙色粘球菌

拉丁文名: Myxococcus fulvus

其他编号: XJ-7#-115#

培养基编号: 169

培养温度: 30


培养基编号: 169

名称: VY/2 AGAR

备注: Baker's yeast 5.00 g Vitamin B12 0.50 mg CaCl2 x 2 H2O 1.36 g Agar (Difco) 15.00 g Distilled water 1000.00 ml Sterilize vitamin B12 separately by filtration. Prepare and store yeast cells as autoclaved stock suspension (5 g baker's yeast/100 ml distilled water, adjust pH to 6.5 and autoclave). Adjust pH of medium to 7.2 with KOH before, and after autoclaving and cooling to 50℃ (use pH-indicator paper). For suspension of freeze-dried cells from ampoules add about 0.5 - 1.0 ml medium MD1 (per liter: casiton 3.0 g; calciumchloride dihydrate 0.7 g; magnesiumsulphate heptahydrate 2.0 g) to the vial with freeze dried material.
