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 Name:Aciditerrimonas ferrireducens Itoh et al. 2011

DSM No.:45281, Type strain

Strain designation:IC-180

Other collection no. 

or WDCM no.:JCM 15389

Isolated from:solfataric soilCountry:Japan

Kanagawa, Hakone, Ohwaku-daniDate of sampling:before 01.12.2008

Nagoya Protocol Restrictions:There are NO known Nagoya Protocol restrictions for this strain.History:<- T. Itoh; JCM 15389Genbank accession numbers:16S rRNA gene: AB517669

Cultivation conditions:Medium 1189 , 50°C 

growth only in liquid medium, do not shake !!!!!

Complete DSMZ Media ListSummary and 

additional information:<- T. Itoh; JCM 15389. Solfataric soil; Japan, Kanagawa, Hakone, Ohwaku-dani. Type strain. Taxonomy/description (16002). Sequence accession no. 16S rRNA gene: AB517669 (16002). 

G+C content 74.1 mol% (16002). Thermoacidophilic (16002). (Medium 1189, 50°C). 

Growth only in liquid medium, do not shake !!!!!.For detailed information:BacDive - The Bacterial Diversity 


Leibniz-Institut DSMZRisk group:1 (classification according to German TRBA)Supplied as:

Delivery form Pricesactively growing culture 125,- ? DNA 120,- ? Price Category for this culture: 1

Freight and handling charges will be added. See price list.Other cultures:All DSMZ cultures of the species