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Geobacter anodireducens Sun et al. 2014
Taxonomy in NCBI database: Bacteria; Proteobacteria; delta/epsilon subdivisions; Deltaproteobacteria; Desulfuromonadales; Geobacteraceae.
30203T <-- D. Sun; Zhejiang Univ., China; SD-1.
Accessioned in 2014.
=ATCC 00079-01 =CGMCC 1.12536 =KCTC 4672.
Type strain [10186].
Medium: 907;  Temperature: 30°C; Anaerobic.
Source: Effluent from the primary clarifier at the Pennsylvania State University Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Biochemistry/Physiology: [10186].
Fatty acid: [10186].
Quinone: MK-8 [10186].
G+C (mol%): 58.9 (Tm) [10186].
DNA-DNA relatedness: [10186].
Phylogeny: 16S rRNA gene (KF006333) [10186].
Genome sequence: CP014963, CP014964 (plasmid) [12510].
NCBI Taxonomy ID: 1340425.