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 Haemophilus parainfluenzae Rivers 拉丁名

9796 编号

Product categoryBacteria

Strain designation 别名 655

Type strain 模式菌株 No

Genome sequenced strainYes

Isolation 分离源 sourceBlood from patient with subacute bacterial endocarditis

Product format 提供形式 Freeze-dried

Storage conditions 保藏温度 2°C to 8°C


Medium 培养基 ATCC Medium 814: GC Agar/Broth Medium

Temperature 培养温度 37°C

Atmosphere 需氧情况 95% Air, 5% CO2

Handling procedureOpen vial according to enclosed instructions or visit www.atcc.org for instructions.

Rehydrate the entire pellet with approximately 0.5 mL of #814 broth. Aseptically transfer the entire contents to a 5-6 mL tube of #814 broth. Additional test tubes can be inoculated by transferring 0.5 mL of the primary broth tube to these secondary broth tubes.

Use several drops of the primary broth tube to inoculate a #814 plate and/or #814 agar slant.

Incubate at 37°C for 24-48 hours in an atmosphere of 5% CO2.

Verification methodWhole-genome Sequencing

Deposited asHaemophilus parainfluenzae RiversDepositorsM PittmanType of isolateHumanCross referencesGenBank AF071761 Haemophilus influenzae strain ATCC 9796 PurE (purE) gene, partial cds; HifD (hifD) gene, complete cds; and PepN (pepN) gene, partial cds.