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Dengue virus type 3


Product categoryViruses

Product typeAnimal virus

ClassificationFlaviviridae, FlavivirusStrain designationH87 [V-576-001-022]Genome sequenced strainYesIsolation sourcePresumed from serum from patient.Geographical isolationPhilippinesApplicationsInfectious disease research

Vector-borne disease research

Zoonotic disease research

Product formatFrozenStorage conditions-70°C or colder

Serotypetype 3

HostsM (i.c.)

EffectsCNS signs; death of host animal

Incubation8-9 daysHandling notesAgglutinates goose RBC. The virus appears to be one cause of S.E. Asian mosquito-borne hemorrhagic fever but closely related strains have been associated with classical dengue fever.  Many additional strains of the virus have been isolated from serum specimens from human patients and from Aedes aegypti.

Key abbreviationsCNS, Central nervous system

i.c., Intracerebral

RBC, Red blood cell

SM, Suckling mouse

Deposited asDengue virus type 3DepositorsNIH/NIAIDChain of custodyNIH/NIAID, Yale Arbovirus Research UnitType of isolateHumanYear of origin1956