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Flavobacterium xanthum McCammon and Bowman 2000
Taxonomy in NCBI database: Bacteria; Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi group; Bacteroidetes; Flavobacteriia; Flavobacteriales; Flavobacteriaceae.
20358T <-- IAM 12026 <-- K. Inoue and K. Komagata 5-O-c.
Accessioned in 2007.
=ACAM 81 =DSM 3312 =DSM 3661 =IAM 12026 =IFO 14972 =LMG 8372 =NBRC 14972 =NCIMB 2069.
"Cytophaga xantha".
Type strain [6799].
Medium: 346;  Temperature: 10°C; Rehydration fluid: 663.
Source: Soil at Showa Station, Antarctica.
Fatty acid: [6799].
G+C (mol%): 39 (Tm).
DNA-DNA relatedness: [6799].
Phylogeny: 16S rRNA gene (AF030380) [6799].
Genome sequence: FRBU00000000.
NCBI Taxonomy ID: 69322.