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Felid herpesvirus 1 拉丁名


Product categoryViruses

Product typeAnimal virus

ClassificationHerpesviridae, VaricellovirusStrain designationFVRm (modified)Isolation sourceThroat swab from 3 months old cat.Product formatFrozenStorage conditions-70°C or colder

CommentsDerived by adaptation from primary cell culture product ATCC® VR-815™ to CRFK cells (ATCC® CCL-94™).  ATCC® VR-815™ and ATCC® VR-1787™ have not been compared for sequence or infectivity in primary cell culture and tissue culture. Item is a vaccine strain. Antigenicity is specific for virus.Technical informationATCC Technical Services does not have technical information on patent deposits that are not produced or characterized by ATCC. Additional information can be found in the corresponding patent available from the patent holder or with the U.S. and/or international patent office.


Effectscell rounding; cell sloughing; CPE

Complete medium 培养基  EMEM (ATCC® 30-2003™) + 2% FBS (ATCC® 30-2020™)

Temperature 培养温度 31°C

Atmosphere 需氧情况 95% Air, 5% CO2

Incubation3-5 daysRecommendation for infectionPlate cells 24-48 hours prior to infection and infect when cultures are 80-90% confluent. Remove medium and inoculate with a small volume of virus (e.g. 1 mL per 25 cm2) diluted to provide an optimal MOI (e.g. 0.01). Adsorb 1-2 hours at 31°C in a humidified 5% CO2 atmosphere, rocking every 10-15 minutes to redistribute inoculum. End adsorption by adding virus growth medium.Handling notesAntigenicity is specific for virus.Key abbreviations°C, Degrees Celsius

CO2, Carbon dioxide

CPE, Cytopathic effect

EMEM, Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium

FBS, Fetal bovine serum

Volume 提供形式 1.0 mL

Deposited asFeline rhinotracheitis virusDepositorsEV Davis, Norden Laboratories, Inc.Patent depositoryThis material was deposited with the ATCC Patent Depository to fulfill U.S. or international patent requirements. This material may not have been produced or characterized by ATCC.  As an International Depository Authority (IDA) for patent deposits, ATCC is required to complete viability testing only at time of initial deposit of patent material. Patent deposits are made available on behalf of the Depositor when the pertinent U.S. or international patent is issued, but material may not be used to infringe the patent claims.

Type of isolateAnimalPatient age3 months