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Erythrobacter longus Shiba and Simidu 1982
Taxonomy in NCBI database: Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Alphaproteobacteria; Sphingomonadales; Erythrobacteraceae.
6170T <-- T. Shiba OCh101.
Accessioned in 1987.
=ATCC 33941 =CECT 5010 =CGMCC 1.8459 =CIP 104268 =DSM 6997 =IAM 14242 =IFO 14126 =KCTC 2829 =LMG 3982 =LMG 5510 =NBRC 14126 =NCIMB 2174.
Type strain [2639,13087].
Medium: 118;  Temperature: 26°C; Rehydration fluid: 41.
Source: Seaweed (Enteromorpha linza).
G+C (mol%): 60.7 (Tm) [2639], 57.4 (genome sequence) [13087].
Phylogeny: 16S rRNA gene (AF465835), concatenated sequences of 288 conserved proteins [13087].
Other taxonomic data: Average amino acid identity, average nucleotide identity, percentage of conserved proteins [13087].
Taxonomy: [2639,13087].
Genome sequence: JMIW00000000.
More information: Contains bacteriochlorophyll a.
NCBI Taxonomy ID: 1044.