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Mycoplasma pulmonis 拉丁名


Product category:Bacteria

Strain designation:[Kon]

Type strain:模式菌种No

Isolation source:分离源Lung of rat with bronchiectasis

Geographical isolation:England; London

Product format:规格Freeze-dried


 Medium:培养基ATCC Medium 243: Mycoplasma medium


Atmosphere:需氧条件95% Air, 5% CO2

Handling procedure


1. Follow instructions as suggested for the culturing of



a)       Open the vial according to the enclosed instructions.

b)       Using a Pasteur or 1.0 ml pipette, withdraw approximately 0.5 to 1.0 ml from a tube containing 5.0 ml.  Rehydrate the pellet.

c)       Aseptically transfer this aliquot back into the tube.  Mix well.

d)       Make serial dilutions by transferring 0.5 ml from the original tube to a tube containing 4.5 ml.  Repeat process by transferring 0.5 ml from the second to a third tube, etc.  Dilutions are important, not only for titration purposes, but also to keep culture in varying stages of growth.  Many strains will die out rapidly once acid or alkaline conditions are reached.  It is recommended to prepare several dilutions from the initial tube as the cryoprotectant used in the freeze‑drying process often inhibits growth.

e)       Use an uninoculated tube of broth to serve as a control.

f)        Plates may be inoculated to check colonial morphology.  You can also spot each dilution on the surface of plate (4 or more/plate) to determine the number of colony-forming units.  However, not all strains do well on solid medium.

g)       Incubate all tubes and plates under the recommended conditions and appropriate temperature.  The time necessary for growth will vary from strain to strain.  Growth on plates generally requires additional incubation.

h)       Depending on the medium used, growth will be indicated by increased turbidity, a color change, or both.

2. This strain starts to show turbidity in the first few dilution tubes after 24 to 48 hours.  Additional incubation is required for growth on solid agar.

3. Subsequent, fresh transfers grow more rapidly than the original culture.  This strain produces good turbidity.

Handling notes

Broth tubes may be incubated aerobically, but plates should be under 5% CO2.

          Colonies on #243 agar are visible without magnification.


Deposited as

Mycoplasma pulmonis (Sabin) Freundt


RG Wittler

Chain of custody

ATCC <-- RG Wittler <-- E. Klieneberger-Nobel strain Kon

Type of isolate
