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Vitreoscilla filiformis Strohl et al. 拉丁名

ATCC 15551 编号

Product category Bacteria 

Product type Extremophile Preceptrol culture 

Type strain 模式菌株 No 

Genome sequenced strain Yes 

Isolation 分离源 source Mud, Lake Erie Geographical isolation United States 

Product format 提供形式 Frozen 

Storage conditions 保藏温度 -80°C or colder 

Preceptrol Yes 

Comments Taxonomy Culture conditions 

Medium ATCC Medium 138: Beggiatoa medium 

Temperature 培养温度 30°C 

Atmosphere 需氧情况 Aerobic 

Handling procedure Open thawed vial according to enclosed instructions or visit www.atcc.org for instructions. 

Aseptically transfer the entire contents to a 5-6 mL 

test tube of #138 soft agar. 

Additional test tubes can be inoculated by transferring 0.1 mL of the primary broth tube to these secondary tubes. 

Incubate at 30°C for 7 days. Verification method Whole-genome Sequencing Deposited as Vitreoscilla filiformis Strohl et al. 

Depositors RY Morita 

Chain of custody ATCC <-- RY Morita <-- S. Maier Type of isolate Environmental 

Cross references 参考文献 GenBank M35568 V.filiformis 5S ribosomal RNA.