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Legionella pneumophila subsp. pneumophila Brenner et al. 拉丁名

ATCC 33215 编号

Strain DesignationsChicago 2

Application 用途

Emerging infectious disease research

Respiratory research

Isolation 分离基物 Human lung biopsy

Biosafety Level 安全等级 2

Biosafety classification is based on U.S. Public Health Service Guidelines, it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that their facilities comply with biosafety regulations for their own country.

Antigenic PropertiesSerogroup 6

Product Format 提供形式 freeze-dried

Storage Conditions 培养条件

Frozen 冷冻物 : -80°C or colder

Freeze-Dried 冻干物 : 2°C to 8°C

Preceptrol no

Type Strain 模式菌株 no

Antigenic PropertiesSerogroup 6

Medium 培养基 ATCC Medium 1099: CYE (Charcoal Yeast Extract) Buffered Medium

Growth Conditions 生长条件

Temperature 培养温度 : 37°C

Atmosphere 需氧情况 : Aerobic, 5% CO2Name of DepositorRM McKinney

Chain of Custody 来源国家 

ATCC <-- RM McKinney <-- H Sommers

Isolation 分离基物 Human lung biopsy

Cross References 

Nucleotide (GenBank) : X73402 L.pneumophila sgp6 (ATCC 33215) gene for 16S rRNA.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : Z24712 L.pneumophila 23S and 5S rRNA genes, partial CDS's.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : X72368 L.pneumophila Sgp.6 (ATCC 33215) gene for 5S ribosomal RNA.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : M19442 L.pneumophila (strain Chicago-2) 16S rRNA, partial, segment 2 of 3.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : M19448 L.pneumophila (strain Chicago-2) 16S rRNA, partial, segment 1 of 3.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : M22264 L.pneumophila (strain Chicago-2) 16S rRNA, partial, segment 3 of 3.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : Z30443 L.pneumophila Serogroup 6 Chicago-2 genes for 23S ribosomal RNA and 5S ribosomal RNA.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : AF095226 Legionella pneumophila strain ATCC 33215 macrophage infectivity potentiator (mip) gene, complete cds.