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Peptoniphilus asaccharolyticus (Distaso 1912) Ezaki et al. 2001


Schleiferella asaccharolytica (Distaso 1912) Rajendram et al. 2001

Peptococcus asaccharolyticus (Distaso 1912) Douglas 1957

Peptostreptococcus asaccharolyticus (Distaso 1912) Ezaki et al. 1983

DSM No.:

20463, Type strain

Strain designation:

BAI, UW 228

Other collection no. 

or WDCM no.:

ATCC 14963, NCIB 10074


country of origin unknown

Date of sampling:

before 22.08.1990

Nagoya Protocol Restrictions:

There are NO known Nagoya Protocol restrictions for this strain.


<- ATCC <- H.C. Douglas, UW 228 (Peptococcus aerogenes) <- A. Prévot, BAI (Staphylococcus aerogenes)

Genbank accession numbers:

16S rRNA gene: AB640690

Cultivation conditions:

Medium 78 , anaerobic, 37°C 

Complete DSMZ Media List

Summary and 

additional information:

<- ATCC <- H.C. Douglas, UW 228 (Peptococcus aerogenes) <- A. Prévot, BAI (Staphylococcus aerogenes). country of origin unknown; sampling date: before 22.08.1990. Type strain. Taxonomy/description (1300, 2803, 3322, 5032, 8174). Sequence accession no. 16S rRNA gene: AB640690. Murein: A21.5 (1348). Quality control strain according to DIN 58959-7 (6924). (Medium 78, 37°C, anaerobic).

For detailed information:

BacDive - The Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase


1300, 1348, 2803, 3322, 5032, 6924, 8174

Risk group:

2 (classification according to German TRBA)


Act dealing with the prevention & control of infectious diseases in man (Infektionsschutzgesetz), Category A1

Supplied as:

Delivery form Prices

Price Category for this culture: 1

Freight and handling charges will be added. See price list.

Note: Freight charges for Risk Group 2 microorganisms will apply.

Other cultures:

All DSMZ cultures of the species


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