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Massilia ginsengisoli (Zhang et al. 2016) Lu et al. 2020
Taxonomy in NCBI database: Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Betaproteobacteria; Burkholderiales; Oxalobacteraceae.
30745T <-- D.-C. Yang and Y.-J. Kim; Kyung Hee Univ., South Korea; DCY83.
Accessioned in 2015.
=KCTC 42409.
Duganella ginsengisoli.
Type strain [10921,13086].
Medium: 346;  Temperature: 30°C; Rehydration fluid: 663.

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Source: Soil of a ginseng field in Gwangju Province, Republic of Korea [10921].
Morphology: [10921].
Biochemistry/Physiology: [10921].
Chemotaxonomy: [10921].
G+C (mol%): 55.3 (HPLC) [10921].
DNA-DNA relatedness: [10921].
Phylogeny: 16S rRNA gene (KJ186108) [10921,13086], concatenated 92 core gene sequences [13086].
Other taxonomic data: Average nucleotide identity, genome-to-genome distances [13086].
Taxonomy: [13086].
Genome sequence: WNLA00000000.
NCBI Taxonomy ID: 1462440.
Publication(s) using this strain [B16292].
 Related information on delivery / use of the strain
Biosafety level 1
Terms and conditions Not applicable
Export control (1) No
Distribution control in Japan (2) No
Genetically modified microorganism No
Technical information -
Additional information -
 (1) in complying with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan
 (2) in complying with the Plant Protection Law of Japan