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Desulfofundulus australicus (Love et al. 1993) Watanabe et al. 2018
Taxonomy in NCBI database: Bacteria; Firmicutes; Clostridia; Eubacteriales; Peptococcaceae.
34022T <-- DSM 11792 <-- ACM 3917 <-- C. A. Love; Griffith Univ., Australia; AB33.
Accessioned in 2020.
=ACM 3917 =DSM 11792.
.Desulfotomaculum australicum.
Type strain [2723,12258,12851].
Medium: 389;  Temperature: 65°C; Anaerobic; Rehydration fluid: 389.
Source: Runoff channels formed by the bore wells of the non-volcanically heated waters of the Great Artesian Waters, Australia [12851].
Biochemistry/Physiology: [12851].
Fatty acid: [12851].
G+C (mol%): 48.1 (Tm) [12851].
Phylogeny: 16S rRNA gene (M96665) [12851]; 16S rRNA gene (NR_037008) [12258].
Taxonomy: [12258].
Genome sequence: FQUW01000000.
NCBI Taxonomy ID: 1566.