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Qipengyuania citrea

DSM 14432


 How to read the following data (Example)


Qipengyuania citrea (Denner et al. 2002) Xu et al. 2020

DSM No.:

14432, Type strain

Strain designation:


Other collection no.

or WDCM no.:

CIP 107092

Isolated from:




Corsica, Bay of Calvi

Date of sampling:

before 27.07.2001

Nagoya Protocol Restrictions:

France requires a benefit-sharing declaration for French genetic resources at the time of utilization, i.e., conducting research. France considers access to genetic resources when utilization begins and not when the initial collection of the material took place and applies to material both in-situ and ex-situ and users within and outside of France.


To comply with French law, you, the user need to make a Declaration regarding access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing arising from your non-commercial utilisation of genetic resources. The steps are the following:


   1. File a declaration via the CERFA form n. 15786 (https://www.formulaires.service-public.fr/gf/getAnnexe.do?cerfaAnnexe=1&cerfaFormulaire=15786*02) or by electronic procedure (https://www.demarches-simplifiees.fr/commencer/apa-declaration-pmorale)

   2. Await approval by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition, the competent national authority

   3. Respond to any requests for more information from the competent national authority

   4. Receive an acknowledgment of receipt by the competent national authority certifying the prior informed consent (PIC) and establishment of mutually agreed terms (MAT) regarding benefit-sharing. This procedure shall not exceed 2 months.


For more information about this topic please see the Access and Benefit-Sharing Clearing House: https://absch.cbd.int/en/countries/FR

For more information about the commercial use of this genetic resources please contact: justiziariat@dsmz.de




<- E. B. M. Denner; RE35F/1 <- D. Vybiral

Genbank accession numbers:

16S rRNA gene: AF118020

Cultivation conditions:

Medium 514 , 20°C


Complete DSMZ Media List

Summary and

additional information:

<- E. B. M. Denner; RE35F/1 <- D. Vybiral. Seawater; France. Type strain. Taxonomy/description (8585, 8697). Sequence accession no. 16S rRNA gene: AF118020. (Medium 514, 20°C).


8585, 8697

Risk group:

1 (classification according to German TRBA)

Supplied as:

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