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Colletotrichum nymphaeae (Passerini) van der Aa 拉丁名

ATCC 38896 编号

Deposited As Colletotrichum nymphaeae (Passerini) van der Aa

Strain Designations 菌种别名 CBS 526.77 [Aa 6040]

Biosafety Level 安全等级 1

Biosafety classification is based on U.S. Public Health Service Guidelines, it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that their facilities comply with biosafety regulations for their own country.

Product Format 提供形式 frozen

Storage Conditions 培养条件

Frozen 冷冻物 : -80°C or colder

Freeze-Dried 冻干物 : 2°C to 8°C

Live Culture: See Propagation Section

Type Strain 模式菌株 no

Preceptrol no

Genome Sequenced Strain 


Comments 注释 Taxonomy

Genome sequencing strain (Joint Genome Institute, Department of Energy, USA)

Medium 培养基 ATCC Medium 334: Oatmeal agar

ATCC Medium 336: Potato dextrose agar (PDA)

Growth Conditions 生长条件

Temperature 培养温度 : 20°C

Atmosphere 需氧情况 : Typical aerobic

Name of Depositor 寄存者 CBS

Chain of Custody 来源国家 ATCC <-- CBS <-- HA van der Aa 6040

Isolation 分离基物 Nymphaea alba leaf, the Netherlands

References 参考文献

Weir BS, Johnston PR, Damm U. The Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complex. Stud Mycol 73: 115-180, 2012. PubMed: 23136459

Damm U, et al. The Colletotrichum acutatum species complex. Stud Mycol 73: 37-113, 2012. PubMed: 23136458

Aa HA van der. A leaf spot disease of Nymphaea alba in the Netherlands. Neth J Plant Pathol 84: 109-115, 1978.

Baroncelli R, et al. Molecular diversity of anthracnose pathogen populations associated with UK strawberry production suggests multiple introductions of three different Colletotrichum species. PLoS One 10: e0129140, 2015. PubMed: 26086351