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Streptomyces chrestomyceticus Canevazzi and Scotti 拉丁名

ATCC 14947 编号

Deposited As Streptomyces krestomyceticus

Strain Designations 菌种别名 IMRU 3835 [CBS 745.72, IFO 13444, ISP 5545, RIA 1405]

Biosafety Level 安全等级 1

Biosafety classification is based on U.S. Public Health Service Guidelines, it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that their facilities comply with biosafety regulations for their own country.

Product Format 提供形式 freeze-dried

Preceptrol no

Type Strain 模式菌株 yes (type strain)



Streptomyces rimosus

Medium ATCC Medium 196: Yeast malt extract agar

Growth Conditions 

Temperature: 26.0°C

Name of Depositor IMRU-Institute of Mirobiology Rutgers University

Chain of Custody 

ATCC <<--IMRU-Institute of Mirobiology Rutgers University<<--A. DiMarco


Shirling EB, Gottlieb D. Cooperative description of type strains of Streptomyces. V. Additional descriptions. Int J Syst Bacteriol 22: 265-394, 1972.

Bergey's Manual Syst. Bacteriol. 4: 2477, 1989.

Skerman VB, et al. Approved lists of bacterial names. Int J Syst Bacteriol 30: 225-420, 1980.

type strain

type strain