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Clostridium polysaccharolyticum (van Gylswyk 1981) van Gylswyk et al. 1983


Fusobacterium polysaccharolyticum van Gylswyk 1981

DSM No.:

1801, Type strain

Strain designation:


Other collection no.

or WDCM no.:

ATCC 33142

Isolated from:

sheep rumen


South Africa


Date of sampling:

before 05.1979

Nagoya Protocol Restrictions:

There are NO known Nagoya Protocol restrictions for this strain.


<- ATCC <- N. O. van Gylswyk, National Chemical Research Laboratory, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria, South Africa; B (Fusobacterium polysaccharolyticum)

Genbank accession numbers:

16S rRNA gene: X77839

whole genome shotgun sequence: FOHN00000000

Cultivation conditions:

Medium 140 , anaerobic, 37°C

Medium/media recipe(s) required for preparing 140:

-  Medium 119

Cultures of DSM 1801 will lyse completely when they reach the stationary phase of growth (after ca. 24 h). For resuscitation from ampoule prepare also 1:10 and 1:100 serial dilutions and incubate over night

Please follow special instructions: 'Cultivation of Anaerobes'

Complete DSMZ Media List

Summary and

additional information:

<- ATCC <- N. O. van Gylswyk, National Chemical Research Laboratory, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria, South Africa; B (Fusobacterium polysaccharolyticum). Sheep rumen; South Africa, Pretoria (2417). Type strain. Taxonomy/description (2418, 2494). Sequence accession no. 16S rRNA gene: X77839, whole genome shotgun sequence: FOHN00000000. Fermentation of cellulose (2417). Formation of spores (2418). (Medium 140, 37°C, anaerobic). Cultures of DSM 1801 will lyse completely when they reach the stationary phase of growth (after ca. 24 h). For resuscitation from ampoule prepare also 1:10 and 1:100 serial dilutions and incubate over night.


2417, 2418, 2494

Risk group:

1 (classification according to German TRBA)

Supplied as:

Delivery form Prices  

Price Category for this culture: 1

Freight and handling charges will be added. See price list.