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Name: Annwoodia aquaesulis (Wood and Kelly 1995) Boden et al. 2017 

Synonym(s): Thiobacillus aquaesulis Wood and Kelly 1995 

DSM No.: 4255, Type strain dsm-4255 dsm4255 dsm 4255 Annwoodia aquaesulis 

Other collection no. 

or WDCM no.: ATCC 43788 

Isolated from: thermal sulfur spring 

Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Avon, Great Roman Bath at Bath 

Date of sampling: before 06.1984 

Nagoya Protocol Restrictions: There are NO known Nagoya Protocol restrictions for this strain. 

History: <- A. P. Wood, University of Warwick, Department of Environmental Sciences, Coventry, UK <- A. P. Wood {1984} 

Genbank accession numbers: 16S rRNA gene: HE971728 

Cultivation conditions: Medium 389 , 42°C 

Medium/media recipe(s) required for preparing 389:

-  Medium 333

Incubation time: 3-7 days 

Complete DSMZ Media List 

Summary and 

additional information: <- A. P. Wood, University of Warwick, Department of Environmental Sciences, Coventry, UK <- A. P. Wood {1984}. Thermal sulfur spring; United Kingdom, Avon, Great Roman Bath at Bath (3112). Type strain. Taxonomy/description (3112, 5944, 26835). Sequence accession no. 16S rRNA gene: HE971728. Dissimilatory nitrate reduction. Lithoautotrophic growth on thiosulfate, trithionate, tetrationate; weak heterotrophic growth on yeast extract or nutrient broth (3112). (Medium 389, 42°C). 

Literature: 3112, 5944, 26835 

Risk group: 1 (classification according to German TRBA) 

Supplied as: Delivery form   Prices 

 actively growing culture   DNA   Price Category for this culture: 1