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Name: Lactococcus lactis (Lister 1873) Schleifer et al. 1986 

DSM No.: 4366 dsm-4366 dsm4366 dsm 4366 Lactococcus lactis 

Strain designation: F7/2 

Other collection no. 

or WDCM no.: Citrate plasmid 

Country: country of origin unknown 

Date of sampling: before 15.01.1988 

Nagoya Protocol Restrictions: There are NO known Nagoya Protocol restrictions for this strain. 

History: <- H. Neve (Federal Dairy Research Center, Kiel) 

Cultivation conditions: Medium 449 , 30°C 

Complete DSMZ Media List 

Summary and 

additional information: <- H. Neve (Federal Dairy Research Center, Kiel). [F7/2]. Host of phage P001 (DSM 4262). Utilizes citrate. See also Plasmid section. (Medium 449, 30°C). 

Risk group: 1 (classification according to German TRBA) 

Supplied as: Delivery form   Prices 

 Freeze Dried  Active culture on request   DNA  Price Category for this culture: 1