

报价 面议


2B technologies


GO3 Project





The GO3 Project provides schools with an instrument package for continuously measuring ozone and meteorological parameters and uploading those parameters to a database where current and past measurements may be displayed on an overlay in Google Earth. Schools may purchase the GO3 Package directly, or may signup with the GO3 Foundation for future sponsorship. The GO3 Foundation is seeking funding from federal grants, foundations, small businesses and large corporations to provide funding for the GO3 Package for schools throughout the world. Individuals are invited to purchase the GO3 Package and contribute to the global ozone database being developed through the GO3 Project. The instrument package contains everything needed to measure ozone, temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed, wind direction and rainfall and consists of:


The GO3 Ozone Monitor is a 2B Technologies Model 106-L Ozone Monitor with some modifications, which consist primarily of a silent, long-life air pump and a faceplate bearing the GO3 logo. The GO3 Ozone Monitor, like all 2B Tech instruments, is based on the fundamental method of UV absorbance at 254 nm, the method used by the US EPA at all of its monitoring sites. The design allows easy assembly and disassembly and minimizes the number of wiring connections, thus making the instrument easy to service and repair. Students and their teachers are encouraged to disassemble and reassemble the ozone monitor to better understand how it works. Technical specifications for the GO3 Ozone Monitor are identical to those of the Model 106-L and may be found here.


GO3 Ozone Monitor with Silent, Long-Life Pump
Davis Model 6250 Vantage Vue Weather Station
Davis Weather Station Console and Data Logger
Weather Station Mounting Stand
Notebook Computer with Data Collection and Uploading Software Installed
50 Feet of Teflon-Lined Tygon Inlet Tubing
External Ozone Zeroing Cartridge
External Battery and Battery Charger for Personal Ozone Monitoring
Filter Holder and Pack of 10 Teflon Particle Filters
Serial Cable, USB Cable, Cigarette Lighter Adapter, Power Packs for Ozone Monitor and Computer
Operating Manuals and Videos on CD and Installed on Computer



