
LeicaAperio AT Turbo

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Aperio AT Turbo





Aperio AT Turbo offers industry leading whole slide scanning. Designed with a state-of-the-art autoloader and scalable capacity of up to 400 slides, the AT Turbo delivers the superior image quality you have come to expect from Aperio ePathology.

Improve workflow efficiency

With high quality scanning and rapid preparation, the Aperio AT Turbo is the ideal choice to increase lab throughput while minimizing user intervention. Rapidly load the entire carousel and move on to other duties.

Expand your capacity

Scan an entire carousel of up to 400 slides with a single push of a button. Expand your eSlide volumes as your business grows, without adding extra hardware.

Increase productivity within a small space

Create hundreds of eSlides without compromising limited laboratory space. The simple push to load/unload method is faster than any other. With active image processing and ultra-fast line scanning; images are immediately available.

Eliminate damaged and broken slides

The Aperio AT Turbo’s advanced slide handling system uses a unique carousel design that quickly loads and unloads slides without the use of clumsy robotic arms and grippers.

Aperio AT Turbo key applications include:

  • Moderate throughput for anatomic pathology

  • Tumor Boards / Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Meetings

  • External sharing and collaboration (institution to institution)

  • Internal sharing (Hub & Spoke Network)and collaboration 

  • Cancer research

  • eIHC image analysis

  • Tissue microarrays

  • Immune response to allografts and xenografts

  • ADME/Toxicology

  • Moderate throughput, pre-clinical and clinical research

  • Contract research 

Certain products are FDA-cleared and labeled for specific clinical applications. Unless otherwise labeled, all other products are intended to be made commercially available “For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.” For specific product indications and more information click here.

Aperio CS2 and Aperio AT Turbo are registered products under the ScanScope® name.

Copyright Notice: ? 2001 - 2014 Aperio. All Rights Reserved. LEICA and the Leica logo are registered trademarks of Leica Microsystems IR GmbH. Aperio is a registered trademark of Leica Biosystems Imaging, Inc. in the USA and other countries.



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