
XiCLone-Spectrum Imaging Opition for MonoCL3

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XiCLone is a premium option for MonoCL3 which provides spectrum imaging to complement standard functionality. This premium option is based on MonoCL3 with DigiScanCL beam control and incorporates ParaCL and SEM Base and CL specific Spectrum Imaging software plug-ins. With a choice of ParaCL CCD or InGaAs array cameras, XiCLone spectrum imaging can cover a range of wavelengths from 200nm to 1700nm.

With ParaCL, users gain from the power of recording a spectrum in a matter or seconds, or less. With XiCLone, the CL technique makes a quantum leap as one spectrum is recorded for every pixel in a linescan or map. DigitalMicrograph software for XiCLone brings power and simplicity to acquiring and handling large data sets.

With an appropriate Parallel CL acquisition identified, spectrum image acquisition is a simple matter of defining a region of interest on a survey image, plus a pixel density. The beam position and spectrum are shown live as the spectrum imaging builds up. Furthermore the user can interrogate the results live without waiting for completion.

For long experiments or those performed at high magnification, a drift correction procedure is easy to program based on a user identified marker position.

Extracting useful data from large 3D data sets is a key post-processing step that can be performed on the same computer, or off-line on an office computer. Spectrum imaging analysis tools include:

1. Integrations from specific areas
2. Overlay and manipulation of multiple extractions
3. Bandpass extraction of chosen width using a slice tool
4. Conversion to eV data sets
5. Movie mode of sequential bandpasses
6. Volume remapping tools, for condensing or extracting unwanted planes.
7. Shoulder peak extraction tools based on linear or polynomial fitting of parent peaks
8. NLLS Gaussian Peak Shift, Width, Amplitude and Residual Signal extraction tools. Can work with multiple peaks with optional constraints and choice of simultaneous or sequential processing
9. MLLS fit coefficient maps for multiple user identified reference spectral fingerprints. These can be standards taken from other data sets, of chosen as specific feature from the parent data set
10. Show true colour. The software calculates and displays the colour the eye would see assuming the spectral coverage is appropriate
11. Export functions.


EDSSI is an advanced Gatan software package which enables EDS (Energy Dispersive X ray) acquisition and analysis.

This option exists as a standalone product for users with DigiScan, or as a complementary option for XiCLone. In this case Multi-Signal Spectrum Imaging can be performed with the CL and EDS data sets acquired in tandem using the same beam control platform. Raw EDS data is acquired from a modern 3rd party EDS detector and pulse processor, (usually over an Ethernet connection). Please check with Gatan regarding compatibility and note that full functionality can depend on IT or 3rd party software considerations outside of Gatan’s control. For some platforms, an additional licence is required from the EDS manufacturer to enable this communication between the Gatan and EDS operating PCs.

Software screen shot of post processing examination of simultaneously acquired CL and EDS spectrum images from geological specimen.

In addition to the data extraction tools useful for CL, powerful quantitative elemental extraction tools are included.

Once complex 3D data sets are reduced to a series of 2D specific elements or phases, bivariate or trivariate histrograms can be performed .



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