

报价 面议









ParaCL provides parallel spectroscopy by the attachment of a CCD or diode array to the chamber mounted monochromator. Light dispersed by the grating is directly optically coupled to the array for maximum efficiency. In this way a spectrum can be recorded very quickly without stepping the grating in the comparatively slow manner used for serial spectroscopy.

The 1340 by 100 pixels at 20microns size provide a combination of high spectral dispersion and coverage for a given grating choice. Indeed the FWHM measured from spectral lines is better using parallel spectroscopy compared to serial spectroscopy.

As well as speeding up spectral CL analysis and making more cost effective use of expensive cryogens, ParaCL opens new applications for CL from beam sensitive and insulating materials.

ParaCL is an option for MonoCL3(+), and forms the core component of light detection in the XiCLone product. ParaCL therefore forms a cost effective upgrade route.

An insertable mirror locks into a 45deg position on a kinematic mount to ensure that the central wavelength of the ParaCL spectra is similar to the exit wavelength which would reach the PMT detector if the mirror were retracted. An internal double action solenoid shutter automatically closes to record a dark reference, and this is subtracted by the software. The product additionally comprises a low dispersion grating. A simple menu structure for view (for refresh) and acquire (for single shot or multiple integration) provides the simplicity required, and the calibration is automatically taken from the grating tilt.

The basic ParaCL system includes a Front Illuminated CCD with UV coating giving spectral response from 200-1100nm with no etaloning. A low vibration fan and impressive 3stage Peltier cooling technology provides a base temperature of –85C and the data interface is USB2.

A Back illuminated version of this camera is available for users who want higher quantum efficiency, especially in the UV and blue, but who are willing to accept possible etaloning of the spectra for wavelengths >700nm.

Alternatively LN2 cooled versions of these chips are available using a different camera and controller hardware.
A 1024 x 1 LN2 cooled InGaAs array is offered for customers interested in the spectral range 900-1700nm.

For advanced users a choice of binning protocols allows either the speed or dynamic range to be optimised depending on the experimental requirement.

Post processing steps allow the system response to be corrected. ParaCL and DigiScanII provide the backbone for spectrum imaging applications.Fast acquisition allows linescan and area mapping of the spectral signal.

Other post processing steps include re-sampling and spicing spectra together to achieve wide spectral coverage from a higher dispersion grating. As with any 1-D data set in DigitalMicrograph software, the results can be overlaid, manipulated, saved or exported in a variety of formats.



