
Microtest-Tensile Stages for SEM

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Tensile Stages for SEM 
在 SEM中的动态测试是当今的重要技术,透过此载台可观察到在不同物理参数下,如载荷和温度变化所造成的微结构改变,SEM 所用的Microtest载台系列拉伸和弯曲的模件,提供软件控制,而载荷力范围从2N到5000N。另有选配件支持样品的加热和冷冻测试。
Dynamic studies with microstructural information are possible in the SEM, using mechanical testing apparatus and/or heating stages.

The MICROTEST product range brings a powerful dimension to traditional tensile testing of a wide range of materials by allowing in-situ SEM imaging of the changes in microstructure during the deformation experiment. The SEM provides a deeper understanding of the cause of the deformation with the ability to image where change is occurring. Combined information from a dynamic experiment overcomes uncertainties in interpreting traditional stress / strain data.

A wide range of modules is available for tensile, compression and / or bending tests, with load ranges from less than 2N up to 5000N.
An easy to use software interface provides live graphing of quantitative data, together with flexible thresholding for more complex experiments, including cyclical loading.

2 options exist for recording movies of dynamic experiments simultaneously to the mechanical testing data. For microscopes with a suitable TV signal, MTVideo allows full synchrony between web cam type resolution image and Microtest data. For microscopes with no TV out, or where higher pixel definition is required in preference to “exact synchrony”, DigiScanMC is recommended for screen capture movies containing both SEM images and microtest data.

Heated and heated/cooled grips, or platforms are available for temperature dependent studies and special modules or grip options are available for dynamic EBSD studies.

Microtest modules are specifically designed for the SEM allowing short working distance operation, with a leadscrew designed to keep the region of interest stable during straining.

Microtest software allows constant strain rate and constant load testing, with cycling capabilities and data acquisition of load and extension. The live load readout has a high precision readout of 0.1% of the maximum load range. With a suitable TV video out signal, video capture linked to stress strain data point plotting is also possible as an option.

For some modules, dynamic experiments can optionally be performed with heated or cooled grips, or a heated platform. A sensor on the grips or platform, and temperature controller allows effective measurement and control.

Microtest modules are specially engineered for the SEM environment and are available in four versions — 200N, 300N, 2kN and 5kN. However, for maximum flexibility, the Microtest range is available with different gearbox and load cell range options. 3 or 4 pt horizontal bending grips allow different load configurations. Additionally, the Microtest 300 and 2000 are available in a dedicated vertical three point bending configuration.

Standard options

Microtest 20O

High sensitivity dynamic testing stage module which can be operated either within or outside the SEM. 200N maximum load, 2N, 5N, 10N, 20N and 100N load cells available as options. Can operate in tension or compression and can be fitted with horizontal 3- or 4-pt bending options.

Microtest 300

Microtest 300 with standard horizontal grips.
Dynamic testing stage module which can be operated either within or outside the SEM. 300N maximum load. Can operate in tension or compression and can be fitted with horizontal 3- or 4-pt bending options.

Microtest 300 with optional 4-pt bending grips.

Microtest 300B

Microtest 300B for vertical 3 pt bending
Dynamic testing stage module which can be operated either within or outside the SEM. 300N vertical load.

Microtest 2000

Microtest 2000 with standard horizontal grips.
Dynamic testing stage module which can be operated either within or outside the SEM. 2000N maximum load.
Can operate in tension or compression and can be fitted with horizontal 3- or 4- pt bending options.

Microtest 2000B

Microtest 2000B for vertical 3 point bending.
Dynamic testing stage module which can be operated either within or outside the SEM. 2000N vertical load.

Microtest 2000E

A high load dynamic testing module (2000N) easily configured for in-situ EBSD studies on a range of popular modern medium / large chamber SEMs.

Microtest2000E, room temperature version.

Microtest 2000EW, water cooled version required as base platform for heated grips.

EH2000, heated grips suitable for in-situ dynamic EBSD studies.

Microtest 5000

A high load dynamic testing stage module for room temperature studies, which can be operated within or outside the SEM. 5000N maximum load. Can operate in tension or compression and can be fitted with horizontal 3- or 4- pt bending options. Options include different load cells, strain rate gearboxes.

Microtest 5000W

A water cooled testing module provides the base platform for heated / cooled grip options.

Microtest H5000 +600°C heating option for Microtest 5000. Heating applied to both grips, water cooling protection for load cell and SEM.

Microtest HC5000

-150 to +600°C heating option for Microtest 5000. Heating applied to both grips, water cooling protection for load cell and SEM.

Microtest 5000ED

Angled sub grips for allowing EBSD operation. May require C1000XYZ.


Replacement SEM door and X,Y, Z stage with manual micrometer stage movement. May be required for Microtest2000, or 5000 product range depending on SEM stage, or may provide additional flexibility.

Microtest Software

Is provided with all Microtest systems. Computers supplied additionally on request.


Video capture software and hardware for linking images to Microtest data points.

To view an example, click here (.AVI file will download).



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