
Heating Stages for SEM

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Heating Stage





用于将SEM样品加热以达到不同的高温及恒定在一定温度下观察样品的相变情况。带有的散热保护装置,可保护SEM 内的其他组件。
Heating Stages for SEM
Many metallurgical and materials science studies benefit from specimen heating in the SEM. Dynamic observations of phase transitions and other microstructural changes with respect to temperature can be informative for materials research and failure analysis. Using specialized equipment, dynamic gas reactions can be studied. The effect of re-crystallisation can be observed using the combination of specimen heating and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD).

Heating stage modules

H1000 Series modules are all designed to interface easily to most standard SEM stages, using a thermally isolated stage interface.

Water-cooled shielding and retractable shutters are provided for SEM protection with H1002 and H1004 high temperature modules. For the highest temperature module (H1004), a flow switch provides a safety furnace power cut-off in case of insufficient flow in the water cooling circuit.

The heating modules are supplied complete with power supply, temperature sensor and a digital temperature controller.

‘Hot’ imaging detector

Standard secondary electron imaging can become unreliable at high temperatures, as the number of thermal electrons and the amount of light emitted from the specimen increases. Furthermore some modern microscopes automatically reduce the gain of the SE detector when larger probe currents are used, even though the SE signal can be limited with hot specimens.

Gatan has developed a special ‘hot’ backscattered electron detector, which rejects the light emitted at high temperatures. MiniHBS is a retractable photomultiplier-based BSED which can be fitted to any suitable SEM chamber port. It is supplied complete with integral power supply plus brightness and contrast controls and provides an imaging signal as a configurable analogue voltage. A dedicated scan synchronous AUX or BS input is required for imaging on the SEM monitor. Optimum imaging performance may be achieved with a dedicated Digital Beam Control system such as DigiScan II™ which is optimised for scanning flexibility and extracting small imaging signals..

For metallurgy and materials science studies, phase transitions and inclusions and microstructural properties.

All heating stages are modules which are interfaced to the standard SEM stage. The system is complete with power supply, temperature controller and sensor.

Gatan also supplies heating options integrated into tensile stages for dynamic testing specimens in the SEM at elevated temperature.


Cooling / heating stage module -185°C to +400°C


Heating stage module to +500°C. Uses dovetail sample holder, compatible with airlock operation.


Heating stage module to +750°C. Specimen is mounted directly onto module surface. A shutter protects the pole piece. Water cooled base plate.


Heating stage module, suitable for EBSD studies. Sample platform is tilted at 70 degrees.
Maximum sample size 5mm x 5mm x 2mm, otherwise specifications are as H1002. Special versions of the H1001 and H1002 are available for use with EBSD.


Heating module to +1250°C. The module jacket and shutter are water cooled. Biasing reduces the effect of thermal electrons. SE imaging at high temperature cannot be guaranteed due to possible light detection by SE equipment. C1000XYZ may be required.

Hotter stages reaching temperatures as high as +1500°C may be available by
special request.


Example C1000XYZ from large chamber SEM

Replacement SEM door and X,Y, Z stage with manual micrometer stage movement. May be required for H1005 product range depending on SEM stage, or may provide additional flexibility.


An optional capilliary gas injector and needle valve are available for the H1004 for studying in-situ gas reactions.


MiniHBS, retractable ‘hot’ back scattered electron detector, for imaging at high temperatures. Includes power supply and control unit.



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