TSQ Endura 一针进样同时分析200多种兽残

2017/11/21   下载量: 16


应用领域 制药/生物制药
检测样本 兽用药
检测项目 含量测定>色谱法
参考标准 赛默飞

Purpose: Development of a single quantitative method for multi-class veterinary drugs in animal meat products. Methods: 3 μL injections of extracted meat (chicken, beef, and pork) spiked withveterinary drugs were injected onto a C18 reverse phase column. Compounds of interest were separated and eluted using a standardized gradient elution profile. A high performance triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with a heated electrospray source(HESI) was used to analyze the compounds of interest in positive and negative ionization, and the data were collected, analyzed, and reported using customized software. Results: The method provided excellent result s for most compounds at or below the required Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs)1 in the matrices studied. Several compounds could not be incorporated into the final method due to high polarity or poor chromatographic response under the proposed generic mobile phase conditions.


Veterinary drugs are pharmacologically active compounds that are used to treat and
prevent diseases of animals in livestock. Their use can result in non-desirable drug
residues in the food products for consumption. Animals with high amounts of these
drugs can cause harm in humans or can render the use of antibiotics in hospitals
useless due to the counter effects of the drugs. Therefore, strict regulatory guidelines
exist for these compounds in meat products.

上一篇 高压离子色谱Inuvion快速测定自来水中的常见阴离子
下一篇 牛奶中的多类兽药残留Q Exactive Focus液相色谱质谱联用系统快速灵敏检测




当前位置: 仪器信息网 赛默飞色谱与质谱 方案 TSQ Endura 一针进样同时分析200多种兽残


