Analysis of high purity Cu using high sensitivity LA-ICP-Q-MS

2019/03/29   下载量: 3


应用领域 钢铁/金属
检测项目 含量分析>铝元素, 磷元素, 锰元素
参考标准 Laser ablation

Full quantitative analysis of eleven trace elements in a solid Cu matrix by Laser Ablation ICP-MS has been demonstrated using commercially available calibration standards and standard reference materials. The high sensitivity of the Thermo Scientific iCAP Q ICP-MS in KED mode, with its proprietary Flatapole technology makes the detection of sub-ppm levels of contaminants in solid Cu easily achievable. The larger ablation two-volume cell of New Wave’s NWR213 Laser system is suited for a high-volume operation allowing a batch analysis of any number of samples that fit inside a 100x100 mm cell space. The seamless interface between the laser and the ICPMS systems allows the analyst the convenience to perform the operation and collect data directly from one computer screen.


Full quantitative analysis of eleven trace elements in a solid Cu matrix by Laser Ablation ICP-MS has been demonstrated using commercially available calibration standards and standard reference materials. The high sensitivity of the Thermo Scientific iCAP Q ICP-MS in KED mode, with its proprietary Flatapole technology makes the detection of sub-ppm levels of contaminants in solid Cu easily achievable. The larger ablation two-volume cell of New Wave’s NWR213 Laser system is suited for a high-volume operation allowing a batch analysis of any number of samples that fit inside a 100x100 mm cell space. The seamless interface between the laser and the ICPMS systems allows the analyst the convenience to perform the operation and collect data directly from one computer screen.

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当前位置: 仪器信息网 赛默飞色谱与质谱 方案 Analysis of high purity Cu using high sensitivity LA-ICP-Q-MS


