Quantitative Analysis of Nitrogen Mustard Hydrolysis Products as Ethanolamines

2019/06/14   下载量: 2


应用领域 环保
检测样本 废水
检测项目 有机污染物>胺类(苯胺、酰胺、联氨)化合物
参考标准 国家标准

An RSLC-MS/MS method for quantitative analysis of five ethanolamines was developed and described. By using a mixed-mode analytical column and selective MRM MS/MS detection, this method showed significant improvements over previously reported methods with minimum sample preparation, totalchromatographic resolution, capability of sub-ppb level quantification, and high throughput. Application of this method to the analysis of surface waters was demonstrated and showed no quantifiable amounts above the LRLs. Matrix effects and recovery were evaluated using two surface water matrices and the results indicated better quantitation accuracy for DEA by using an isotope labeled analogue as an internal standard.


An RSLC-MS/MS method for quantitative analysis of five ethanolamines was developed and described. By using a mixed-mode analytical column and selective MRM MS/MS detection, this method showed significant improvements over previously reported methods with minimum sample preparation, totalchromatographic resolution, capability of sub-ppb level quantification, and high throughput. Application of this method to the analysis of surface waters was demonstrated and showed no quantifiable amounts above the LRLs. Matrix effects and recovery were evaluated using two surface water matrices and the results indicated better quantitation accuracy for DEA by using an isotope labeled analogue  as an internal standard. 

上一篇 高压离子色谱Inuvion快速测定自来水中的常见阴离子
下一篇 在线固相萃取--快速双三元液相质谱联用分析水中的呋喃丹和甲萘威




当前位置: 仪器信息网 赛默飞色谱与质谱 方案 Quantitative Analysis of Nitrogen Mustard Hydrolysis Products as Ethanolamines


