Volatile Organic Compounds Analysis in Drinking Water with Headspace GC/MSD Using Hydrogen Carrier Gas and HydroInert Source

2024/02/22   下载量: 0


应用领域 环保
检测样本 饮用水
参考标准 /

Abstract An Agilent 8890/5977C GC/MSD system coupled with an Agilent 8697 headspace sampler was successfully used with hydrogen carrier gas for the analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in drinking water. Recent concerns with the price and availability of helium have led laboratories to look for alternative carrier gases for their GC/MS methods. For GC/MS, hydrogen is the best alternative to helium, and offers potential advantages in terms of chromatographic speed and resolution. However, hydrogen is not an inert gas, and may cause chemical reactions in the mass spectrometer electron ionization (EI) source. This can lead to disturbed ion ratios in the mass spectrum, spectral infidelity, peak tailing, and nonlinear calibration for some analytes. Therefore, a new EI source for GC/MS and GC/MS/MS was developed, and optimized for use with hydrogen carrier gas. The new source, named HydroInert, was used in the system evaluated here. In addition to the new source, the chromatographic conditions were optimized to provide separation of 80 volatile compounds in 7 minutes. Standards and samples were analyzed in both scan and SIM data acquisition modes. For the scan data, spectra were deconvoluted with MassHunter Unknowns Analysis software and searched against NIST 20 to assess the spectral fidelity. In both modes, quantitative calibration was performed for the 80 compounds over the range of 0.05 to 25 μg/L. As demonstrated in this note, the system gives excellent results for the analysis of VOCs in drinking water.



One of the analyses commonly used to ensure that the quality of drinking water is the measurement of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These compounds can appear in drinking water by contamination from numerous sources, including industrial and commercial operations. Another common source is when VOCs are formed by the addition of chlorine (used to disinfect the water), and react with natural organic matter in the source water. Regulations governing the allowable concentration of VOCs in drinking water vary by country and

region, but are typically in the low μg/L (ppb) range. Due to the large number of potential contaminants, and the need to measure them at such low levels, GC/MS systems are commonly

used. GC/MS offers both the sensitivity and selectivity required to identify and quantify VOCs. Purge and trap1 and static headspace2,3 are two commonly used automated sampling techniques that extract the VOC analytes from water samples and inject them into the GC/MS. This application note describes a system configured to perform static headspace/GC/MS analysis of VOCs in drinking water, optimized for using hydrogen as the carrier gas.

上一篇 用于原辅料鉴定的 Agilent Cary 630 FTIR 光谱仪
下一篇 nalysis of Semivolatile Organic Compounds Using Hydrogen Carrier Gas and the Agilent HydroInert Source by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry




当前位置: 仪器信息网 安捷伦 方案 Volatile Organic Compounds Analysis in Drinking Water with Headspace GC/MSD Using Hydrogen Carrier Gas and HydroInert Source


