Pre-Wire Bond and BGA Cleaning for Maximum Yield

2006-01-13 16:27  下载量:377



This seminar is intended to provide a general understanding of: 1. Are the issues we are used to in hybrid production still relevant? 2. What is plasma and can it address the issues previously mentioned? 3. What are the interaction mechanisms between organics and plasma? . Many already concede that plasma is the most environmentally safe method of both organic removal and surface modification to date, but is cleanliness still an issue? Hybrid circuits have begun to approach the critical dimensions of semiconductors in the late 1960''s with the advent of CSP, BGA and FC. Rather than eliminate cleaning these new “smaller” circuits are presenting a whole new criteria for cleaning and removal of organics. This seminar will review the current industry and how it addresses the cleaning issue in terms of effectiveness and application.



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