迪马科技 Navigatorsil(领航) C18(ODS)柱

迪马科技 Navigatorsil(领航) C18(ODS)柱

供货周期: 现货
品牌: 迪马科技
货号: | | | | | | |
关注展位 全部耗材

       Navigatorsil 是一款可实现超快速分离并兼具高分离度的UHPLC/HPLC 两用型核壳色谱柱,其基质是粒径为2.7 μm 的核壳硅胶,它是由直径为1.7 μm 的实心球核和厚度为0.5 μm 的多孔壳层构成,粒径分布范围更窄。
        Navigatorsil 核壳色谱柱采用专有的键合和封端技术,不仅可以在宽pH 范围使用,还对强碱性化合物具有优异的峰形。它具有与亚2 μm UHPLC 色谱柱同等柱效和分离性能,同时柱压仅为其50%,可以同时在UHPLC 和HPLC 仪器上使用,并实现超快速分离,且分析时间更短,分离效率更高。此外,独特的色谱柱填装技术使得填料床层更为紧密均一,为超高效分离提供保障。


? 高柱效、低柱压
? 同时实现超快速和高分离度分析
? 可在HPLC 仪器上获得UHPLC 柱的分离效果
? 高键合密度增强色谱柱的惰性、分离能力和稳定性
? 高通量、高选择性、高灵敏度
? 对复杂组分混合物和异构体具有良好的分离度
? 领先的色谱柱填装技术、独有的键合和封端技术确保色谱柱的稳定性、重现性和寿命
? 减少分析时间,提高工作效率,节省溶剂

*Kinetex is a trademark of Phenomenex. Dikma Technologies Inc. is not affiliated with the above company.

*ACQUITY and CORTECS are registered trademarks of Waters Corporation. Dikma Technologies Inc. is not affiliated with the above company.

*ZORBAX is a registered trademark of Agilent Technologies. Dikma Technologies Inc. is not affiliated with the above company.

*Halo is a trademark of Advanced Materials Technology, Inc. Dikma Technologies Inc. is not affiliated with the above company.

*Meteoric Core is a trademark of YMC CO., LTD. Dikma Technologies Inc. is not affiliated with the above company.

*ACE Excel is a trademark of Advanced Chromatography Technologies Ltd. Dikma Technologies Inc. is not affiliated with the above company.



        苯酚类化合物是以苯酚为母体,由不同取代基组成的一类复杂化合物。与同类型核壳色谱柱相比,NavigatorsilTM 2.7 μ m C18


*Kinetex is a trademark of Phenomenex. Dikma Technologies Inc. is not affiliated with the above company.

*CORTECS is a registered trademark of Waters Corporation. Dikma Technologies Inc. is not affiliated with the above company.

*Halo is a trademark of Advanced Materials Technology, Inc. Dikma Technologies Inc. is not affiliated with the above company.

*Meteoric Core is a trademark of YMC CO., LTD. Dikma Technologies Inc. is not affiliated with the above company.


        从五种核壳型C18 色谱柱的保留时间、氢键能力、疏水性和立体选择性的对比可以看出,NavigatorsilTM 2.7 μ m C18 色谱柱

具有最强的立体选择性,对戊基苯的保留时间为Kinetex 2.6 μ m C18 色谱柱的1.4 倍。

*Kinetex is a trademark of Phenomenex. Dikma Technologies Inc. is not affiliated with the above company.

*CORTECS is a registered trademark of Waters Corporation. Dikma Technologies Inc. is not affiliated with the above company.

*Halo is a trademark of Advanced Materials Technology, Inc. Dikma Technologies Inc. is not affiliated with the above company.

*Meteoric Core is a trademark of YMC CO., LTD. Dikma Technologies Inc. is not affiliated with the above company.


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