

参考价:¥50万 - 100万
型号: CellZscope
产地: 德国
品牌: nanoanalytics
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德国 Nanoanalytics



德国 NanoAnalytics公司推出的细胞跨膜电阻仪(即实时无标记细胞动态分析仪)——cellZscope是由电脑控制,全自动、长时间实时监测细胞层生理学参数的仪器,可实时输出跨膜电阻(TEER)重要指标,一次监测样品6/24/48/72/96个。尤其适用于细胞屏障(消化道、呼吸道、血脑屏障)特性,药物转运,纳米药物研发,中枢神经系统疾病,肿瘤等领域的研究。


☆  不干扰细胞正常生长环境--测量的数值更加真实

☆  超长时间全自动实时分析--测量的数据更加完整

☆  测量采用更宽的频率范围--拟合的数据更加

☆  构建的数理模型更加细致--电生理参数更加丰富

☆  可兼容多种类型培养插件--耗材选择更加多样化



细胞屏障的通透性可以通过跨膜电阻(即TEER,Transepithelial resistance)来反映,细胞屏障的通透性与跨膜电阻TEER之间的关系为:通透性越高TEER越低,反之亦然。



       ☆  可以直接读取细胞屏障层的电阻值TEER (Ω.cm2);

☆  完全兼容常用厂家的Transwell细胞培养皿。包括BD,Biosciences,Corning,Bio-One,Millipore等。无仪器自带耗材和其他额外耗材;

☆  细胞模块可以同时容纳6/24/48/72/96个培养皿。每个培养皿都有三种型号可选:小孔型(“24孔”型Transwell培养皿),中孔型(“12孔”型Transwell培养皿),大孔型(“6孔”型Transwell培养皿);

☆  cellZscope细胞模块是放置于标准的细胞培养箱中,实时动态监测,可以监测数秒到数周的细胞动态生物学行为变化。


☆  细胞屏障(血脑屏障、鼻黏膜及消化道屏障等)的特性

☆  上皮细胞、内皮细胞、贴壁细胞等的跨膜电阻测量

☆  紧密连接动力学

☆  新型药物研发

☆  药物或毒物对细胞屏障功能的影响

☆  肿瘤侵袭转移

☆  免疫细胞在中枢神经系统疾病中的作用




☆  入门的cellZscopeE型号更灵活,如果您没有较高的通量检测,可以选择cellZscopeE

☆  多达6个通道的TER检测

☆  细胞培养环境下实时长时间检测

☆  可以兼容多种transwell小室

☆  操作简单,清洗方便。


☆  cellZscope+ 型号是德国nanoanalytics公司多年自动化细胞监控设备开发经验的成果集中体现

☆  全面和准确的阻抗结果读取,全频谱信息

☆  大的灵活性,不同孔径的细胞培养条件可供选择

☆  可持续,易于使用和维护,不需特殊工具,细胞模块上、下部分均可灭菌

☆  cellZscope+型号设计保证了简单的操作和大的灵活性。细胞模块为研究人员提供了监测所有孔的完整的部和基底外侧信息。


☆  cellZscope2型号为基于阻抗的细胞监测提供了一些全新的体验

☆  在时间分辨率达到了新的高性能基准。多通道数据采集使cellZscope2提供了快、全面的阻抗输出

☆  特殊的易用性,更换培养基等细胞培养常规操作,无需插拔数据线,数据稳定性更高

☆  cellZscope2更快的性能允许更高的吞吐量。在实验前,实验中和实验后,方便细胞模块与控制模块的数据对接



☆  四个细胞模块,每个有24个孔,可以连接到一个cellZscope3控制器,同时测量96个孔

☆  自动化的,快速的全程监控,获得数天或数周的长期监测数据

☆  特殊的易用性,更换培养基等细胞培养常规操作,无需插拔数据线,数据稳定性更高

☆  时间分辨率高:cellZscope3每30秒完成单个细胞模块即24孔的检测





















TER/ Rmed












6-well size

12-well size

24-well size


■  用跨膜电阻(TEER)值法检测Caco-2细胞屏障的完整性

用跨膜电阻(TEER)值法检测Caco-2细胞屏障的完整性。Caco-2细胞以5×103细胞/孔的密度接种于Transwell小室中。周每隔一天更换一次新鲜培养基,然后在接下来的两周每天更换一次新鲜培养基。并使用NanoAnalytics公司 Cellzscope2软件对所得实时数据进行分析。

Caco-2细胞培养19天后,细胞跨膜电阻值≥500 Ω·cm2,细胞形成一个完整的单层屏障,完整性通过Lucifer Yellow渗透性测试得到进一步得到证实,进而单层细胞屏障可用于下一步的运输实验。SRL和SRL NCs的细胞毒性呈浓度依赖性(图1B)。SRL和SRL-NCs的半数大抑菌浓度分别为147.51μg/mL和165.41μg/mL。在50μg/mL的SRL和SRL-NCs作用72h后,细胞存活率保持在80%以上。这表明本研究中使用的SRL浓度不会引起显著的细胞毒性。因此,药物对细胞活力的影响可以忽略不计。



图1  SRL和SRL-NCs在Caco-2细胞单层屏障的转运。(A)跨膜转运实验示意图;(B)不同浓度SRL和SRL-NCs对Caco-2细胞活力的影响(n=6)。(C)SRL和SRL-NCs-Papp、A-B、Papp、B-A和Caco-2细胞单层的流出比(n=*6,*P<0.01)。(D)Caco-2细胞单层TEER值在整个转运过程中的变化。数据表示为平均标准差。














1. Comparative sensitivity of proliferative and differentiated intestinal epithelial cells to the food contaminant, deoxynivalenol
S. Luo, Ch. Terciolo, M. Neves, S. Puel, Cl. Naylies, Y. Lippi, Ph. Pinton, I.P. Oswald. Environ. Pollut. 277, 116818 (2021).
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2. Human induced pluripotent stem cells (BIONi010-C) generate tight cell monolayers with blood-brain barrier traits and functional expression of large neutral amino acid transporter 1 (SLC7A5)
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3. The effect of ultrasound cavitation on endothelial cells
M.S. Karthikesh, X. Yang. Exp. Biol. Med. XX, YY (2021).
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4. Towards the development of a human in vitro model of the blood–brain barrier for virus-associated acute encephalopathy: assessment of the time- and concentration-dependent effects of TNF-a on paracellular tightness
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5. Generation and Characterization of Immortalized Mouse Cortical Astrocytes From Wildtype and Connexin43 Knockout Mice
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6. Lecithin coating as universal stabilization and functionalization strategy for nanosized drug carriers to overcome the blood–brain barrier
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7. AMP-activated protein kinase is a key regulator of acute neurovascular permeability
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8. Tight junctions in the blood–brain barrier promote edema formation and infarct size in stroke – Ambivalent effects of sealing proteins
L. Winkler, R. Blasig, O. Breitkreuz-Korff, Ph. Berndt, S. Dithmer, H.C. Helms, D. Puchkov, K. Devraj, M. Kaya, Z. Qin, S. Liebner, H. Wolburg, A.V. Andjelkovic, A. Rex, I.E. Blasig, R.F. Haseloff, J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 41, 132 (2021).
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9. Meprin ?: A novel regulator of blood–brain barrier integrity
M. Gindorf, S.E. Storck, A. Ohler, F. Scharfenberg, Ch. Becker-Pauly, C.U. Pietrzik, J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 41, 31 (2021).
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10. Macrophage-mediated vascular permeability via VLA4/VCAM1 pathway dictates ascites development in ovarian cancer
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11. Development of an In Vitro Airway Epithelial–Endothelial Cell Culture Model on a Flexible Porous Poly(Trimethylene Carbonate) Membrane Based on Calu-3 Airway Epithelial Cells and Lung Microvascular Endothelial Cells
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12. Capabilities of selenoneine to cross the in vitro blood–brain barrier model
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13. TGF-?1 increases permeability of ciliated airway epithelia via redistribution of claudin 3 from tight junction into cell nuclei
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14. SZR-104, a Novel Kynurenic Acid Analogue with High Permeability through the Blood–Brain Barrier
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15. Endothelial Iron Homeostasis Regulates Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity via the HIF2a—Ve-Cadherin Pathway
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16. Astrocyte-derived Wnt growth factors are required for endothelial blood-brain barrier maintenance
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17. Role of the C5a-C5a receptor axis in the inflammatory responses of the lungs after experimental polytrauma and hemorrhagic shock
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18. Pharmacological targeting of host chaperones protects from pertussis toxin in vitro and in vivo
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19. Repeated exposure of Caco-2 versus Caco-2/HT29-MTX intestinal cell models to (nano)silver in vitro: Comparison of two commercially available colloidal silver products
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21. Microfluidic In Vitro Platform for (Nano)Safety and (Nano)Drug Efficiency Screening
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22. Human Astroviruses: A Tale of Two Strains
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Genomic and phenotypic stability of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG in an industrial production process
M. Stage, A. Wichmann Gustafsson, M. J?rgensen, N.I. Vera-Jimenéz, M. Wielje, D.S. Nielsen, A. Sandelin, Y. Chen, A. Baker
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. XX, YY (2020).
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Retinoic acid signalling adjusts tight junction permeability in response to air-liquid interface conditions
R. Lochbaum, C. Schilpp, L. Nonnenmacher, M. Frick, P. Dietl, O.H. Wittekindt
Cell. Signalling 65, 1094213 (2020).
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Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of cyclodextrin hyaluronic acid conjugates as a new candidate for intestinal drug carrier for steroid hormones
M. Heslera, D.H.Schwarz, S. D?hnhardt-Pfeiffer, S. Wagner, H. von Briesen, G. Wenz, Y. Kohl
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Serine proteases as luminal mediators of intestinal barrier dysfunction and symptom severity in IBS
S. Edogawa, A. Ledwinson, S.A. Peters, L.L. Chikkamenahalli, W. Sundt, S. Graves, S.V. Gurunathan, M. Breen-Lyles, S. Johnson, R. Dyer, R. Graham, J. Chen, P. Kashyap, G. Farrugia, M. Grover
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TGR5-dependent hepatoprotection through the regulation of biliary epithelium barrier function
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Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) Recruitment of PAR Polarity Protein Atypical PKC? to Pedestals and Cell–Cell Contacts Precedes Disruption of Tight Junctions in Intestinal Epithelial Cells
R. Tapia, S.E. Kralicek, G.A. Hecht
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Meprin ?: A novel regulator of blood–brain barrier integrity
M. Gindorf, S.E. Storck, A. Ohler, F. Scharfenberg, Ch. Becker-Pauly, C.U. Pietrzik
J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. XX, YY (2020).
 → doi: 10.1177/0271678X20905206
Tight junctions in the blood–brain barrier promote edema formation and infarct size in stroke – Ambivalent effects of sealing proteins
L. Winkler, R. Blasig, O. Breitkreuz-Korff, Ph. Berndt, S. Dithmer, H.C. Helms, D. Puchkov, K. Devraj, M. Kaya, Z. Qin, S. Liebner, H. Wolburg, A.V. Andjelkovic, A. Rex, I.E. Blasig, R.F. Haseloff
J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. XX, YY (2020).
 → doi: 10.1177/0271678X20904687
Identification of Parthenolide Dimers as Activators of Pyruvate Kinase M2 in Xenografts of Glioblastoma Multiforme in Vivo
Y. Ding, Q. Xue, S. Liu, K. Hu, D. Wang, T. Wang, Y. Li, H. Guo, X. Hao, W. Ge, Y. Zhang, A. Li J. Li, Y. Chen, Q. Zhang
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Monophosphoryl Lipid a Attenuates Multiorgan Dysfunction During Post-Burn Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Pneumonia in Sheep
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Claudin-12 deficiency causes nerve barrier breakdown, mechanical hypersensitivity and painfulness in polyneuropathy
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Enhanced Bioavailability by Orally Administered Sirolimus Nanocrystals
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Effect of E Cigarette Emissions on Tracheal Cells Monitored at the Air–Liquid Interface Using an Organic Electrochemical Transistor
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Oxidative Stress Increases Endogenous Complement-Dependent Inflammatory and Angiogenic Responses in Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells Independently of Exogenous Complement Sources
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Non-pooled Human Platelet Lysate: A Potential Serum Alternative for In Vitro Cell Culture
M. Hesler, Y. Kohl, S. Wagner, H. von Briesen
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Differential modulation of transendothelial electrical resistance by TRPV4 agonists is mediated by apoptosis and/or necrosis
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Targeting claudin-4 enhances chemosensitivity of pancreatic ductal carcinomas
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Toll-like receptor 3-mediated inflammation by p38 is enhanced by endothelial nitric oxide synthase knockdown
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Stimulation of the A2B Adenosine Receptor Subtype Enhances Connexin26 Hemichannel Activity in Small Airway Epithelial Cells
A. Dierksa, A. Badera, T. Lehricha, A. Ngezahayo
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Endothelial tight junctions and their regulatory signaling pathway
X. Cong, W. Kong
Cell. Signalling 66, 109485 (2019).
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Syncytiotrophoblast of Placentae from Women with Zika Virus Infection Has Altered Tight Junction Protein Expression and Increased Paracellular Permeability
J. Miranda, D. Martín-Tapia, Y. Valdespino-Vázquez, L. Alarcón, A. Espejel-Nu?ez, M. Guzmán-Huerta, J.E. Mu?oz-Medina, M. Shibayama, B. Chávez-Munguía, G. Estrada-Gutiérrez, S. Lievano, J.E. Ludert, L. González-Mariscal
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Transient blood–brain barrier disruption isinduced by low pulsed electrical fields in vitro: ananalysis of permeability and trans-endothelialelectric resistivity
S. Sharabi, Y. Bresler, O. Ravid, Ch. Shemesh, D. Atrakchi, M. Schnaider-Beeri, F. Gosselet, L. Dehouck, D. Last, D. Guez, D. Daniels, Y. Mardor, I. Cooper
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In vitro and in vivo effects of a mycotoxin, deoxynivalenol, and a trace metal, cadmium, alone or in a mixture on the intestinal barrier
S. Luo, Ch. Terciolo, A.P.F.L. Bracarense, D. Payros, Ph. Pinton, I.P. Oswald
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A unified in vitro test system for the assessment of tight junction modulators
D. Saaber, S. Reichl
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The impact of gastrointestinal mucus on nanoparticle penetration – in vitro evaluation of mucus-penetrating nanoparticles for photodynamic therapy
L. Mahlert, J. Anderski, D. Mulac, K. Langer
Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 133, 28 (2019).
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Revisiting an old antibiotic: bacitracin neutralizes binary bacterial toxins and protects cells from intoxication
L. Schnell, I. Felix, B. Müller, M. Sadi, F. von Bank, P. Papatheodorou, M.R. Popoff, K. Aktories, E. Waltenberger, R. Benz, C. Weichbrodt, M. Fauler, M. Frick, H. Barth
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Polyphenol Extracts from Three Colombian Passifloras (Passion Fruits) Prevent Inflammation-Induced Barrier Dysfunction of Caco-2 Cells
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