利用血样试剂盒通过Aurora Versa 1100自动分离基因组DNA

2019-04-15 16:41  下载量:0



The isolation of high-quality genomic DNA is essential to numerous research and diagnostic work?ows. DNA extraction from a large number of blood samples is labour intensive and is otien a botileneck in these work?ows. To address this, MACHEREY-NAGEL and Aurora Biomed have teamed up to provide an e?cient, ?exible automation solution for extracting DNA from blood samples. MACHEREY-NAGEL’s NucleoMag® Blood 200µL kit is engineered to provide rapid and reliable genomic DNA isolation from whole blood samples (fresh, stabilized with EDTA or with citrate). The optimized chemistry of the reagents ensures pure DNA is selectively bound to the paramagnetic bead particles, and impurities are e?ciently removed by a series of quick wash steps. The resulting high quality DNA is eluted with elution bu?er or water. Puri?ed DNA is then ready for use in downstream applications such as PCR, enzymatic digestions, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), etc..



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