

型号: BA7-IR3
产地: 以色列
品牌: Duma Optronics
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Multiple Scanning Knife-Edge Beam Profiler

Analyzer USB

High precision beam diagnostics for CW lasers

Patented technology: Unique tomographic image reconstruction of 2D/3D images

Versatile:Meaure beam profile, beam size, beam shape,position and power

Flexible: Wide spectral range, from 190nm through 1800nm

Accurate: Beam sizes from 3μm to 9mm with 0.1μm resolution

Compact:Based on USB 2.0 manifold box, measuring head, software

Main Features

New!12 bit A/D

High resolution sampling for all modes simultaneously

Real time beam profiles, beam size and gaussian fit

2D/3D plots of beam in real time

Beam centroid and ellipticity, Power measurement

Direct data logging to Excel files

Data streaming via RS232 or TCP/IP

Save image and snapshot files

Automatic Pass/Fail analysis report

Windows control library for user's application program

Analyzer USB

Patented Technology

The Beam Analyzer provides a bridging technology, producing the 3D intensity reconstruction of CCD cameras, while being capable of measuring very small spots at high resolution and huge dynamic range

   The measuring technique is based on a multiple scanning knife-edge technology, combined with a tomographic image reconstruction for the creation of the 2D/3D display. When the drum spins, the knife-edges cut across the beam in an orthogonal plane to the direction of propagation. Astationary large detector inside the spinning drum measures light intensity. For attenuation, when needed, a built-in distortion free optical filter is inserted between the spinning drum and the detector. This technique provides the required attenuation without affecting beam quality. Each scanning knife-edge is oriented at a different angle on the drum and moves across the beam path in a different direction as the drum rotates.Consequently, during a single rotation of the drum, the instrument generates a set of profile curves, each representing the intensity profile of the beam from a different direction. This data is the input for the tomographic reconstruction algorithm to generate the 2D/3D intensity profile of the beam.

   The Beam Analyzeris offered in two types of measuring heads:The BA7 uses seven individual knife-edges, providing more accurate measurement of the true beam shape and dimensions by gathering data from all 7 scans, while the BA3 uses only three knife-edges, and is recommended for smaller beams measurement as well as for a 

near-Gaussian beams. The more knife-edges, the greater the level of detail obtained. For a beam distribution that is significantly non-Gaussian the BA7 would reconstruct a plot that closely matches the real beam.

System Presentations   

Beam Analyzerprovides an extensive range of graphical presentations and analysis of laser beam parameters.

Beam Profiles and Width

   Beam Analyzer’control software simultaneously displays two profiles from two 

orthogonal knife-edges, or show each profile individually for greater visual detail.

   These main profiles, located at 45 degrees from the base of the head, are called 

“V” and “W”. 

   Beam widths are digitally displayed for any three user selected clip levels, with up to 0.1μm resolution. The beam profile displays are auto-scaled (optional) to maximize on-screen detail and resolution. Added detail can be obtained in a 

special high-resolution mode. AGaussian fit profile can be overlaid on profiles in 

real time, while the correlation and fit values are displayed digitally. Zoom 

function automatically increases the displayed spatial resolution.

Chart mode

It is frequently necessary to monitor the Beam Width (or alternatively Beam Position) as a function of time. In Chart Mode, these parameters can be viewed in strip chart format, showing long term time-dependent stability or drift. The 

measured data can be viewed on screen, saved or printed for further analysis.

System Presentations

2D and 3D Intensity Plots

The Projection function provides either a 2D or a 3D plot of the beam intensity profile, and is created using reconstructive tomography.The 2D contour maps and the 3D isometric plots can be displayed with or without scan axis and grids. These plots can be rotated along the beam optical axis, as well as be flipped. This feature enables the user to view the image from various angles around the beam. It is also possible to control the 3D plot wire density, as well as view the 3D 

figure projections on XZ and YZ planes Data about the beam size and centroid position is displayed digitally along with centroid and beam size data.


   The beam power can be displayed either as a digital readout, or as a bar-type 

display or in combination with an analog “needle”. Power presentation units 

can be chosen as mW, μWor dBm. The user can offset the zero to deactivate the ambient light suppression. Pre-defined filter transmission files can be selected. Atest range can be defined and displayed to monitor beam power within specific limits, audio alarms are optional.

Beam Position and Ellipticity

The beam centroid position is continuously monitored relative to the center of the sensor area in real-time, along with beam shape, ellipticity (major and minor axes) and angular orientation. Azoom function is available for viewing the footprint of small beams more clearly. Observing beam position stability versus time is available upon setting up of the Chart function to monitor beam position at the 

selected clip level.


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用户单位 采购时间
成都光驰科技有限公司第一分公司 2016/08/24
中国科学院光电技术研究所 2016/04/21
国防科学技术大学光电科学与 2016/02/09
绵阳九院 2016/03/06
武汉理工大学 2014/03/12
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