
2014-09-23 11:26  下载量:3



Harness tethers, first developed by Instech in collaboration with Danny Jack at Covance Laboratories in 1997, are made of a soft elastomer saddle with a vented dome that protects the catheter exit site, ad - justable belly bands to secure the saddle to the ani mal, and a stainless steel spring to protect the fluid line and transmit torque to a swivel. Vascular Access Harness? for Rats The VAH? system permits quick and aseptic connection and disconnection of a catheterized rat and an infusion tether. Instech’s VAH is currently the most popular method tethering a rat for infusion or sampling. The system consists of a small external port housed in a harness which is installed at the same time that the catheter is implanted. The catheter is attached to a connector built into the port under the harness dome and then the port and catheter are filled with lock solution to maintain patency during transport. Access the harness manually to sample, dose or check patency using a syringe with a VAH6M injector with needlestick protection. To begin a continuous infusion or blood sampling study simply plug a mating VAH tether into the harness. A recessed needle built into the tether makes the fluid connection through the port. The VAH is a closed system: tether connection does not introduce contamination or air. Furthermore, retrograde flow, which can lead to occluded catheters, is virtually eliminated.



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