Stratum PTC 吹扫-捕集样品浓缩器

Stratum PTC 吹扫-捕集样品浓缩器

型号: Stratum PTC
产地: 美国
品牌: 特利丹
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Stratum PTC Purge and Trap Concentrator
* Electronic Mass Flow Controller allows for use with either He or N2. Patent pending ability to vary flow rates in different modes which increase sample throughput
* Ultra-low carryover
* Superior water management
* Proprietary trapping material allows for excellent desorption efficiency
* Automated leak checking
* Sample logging ensures data integrity
* Foam detection and prevention options
* Software control allows for built-in diagnostics and self-testing

The Stratum Purge and Trap Concentrator utilizes an electronic Mass Flow Controller that delivers
extraction gas to the sample, thus stripping the VOCs and delivering them to a sorbent trap. The trap is then heated and back-flushed to a GC for separation and subsequent detection. The system then automatically performs a clean-up step, allowing for the next sample analysis.

• USEPA 502.1, 502.2, 524.2, 503.1,601, 602, 603, 624, 8010, 8015,8020, 8021, 8030, 8240, 8260
• ASTM and Standard Methods
• Massachusetts VPH and GRO Methods

Stratum PTC specifications
Cycle Time   The cycle time for the unit is 17 minutes when using an 11 minute purge time. This time also includes desorb, bake, and cool down for the Stratum PTC only and assumes ambient lab temperature. (20-22°C).
Trap Furnace   Ambient to 350°C cools from 250°C to 40°C in 90 seconds or less at ambient lab temperatures (20-22°C).
6-port switching valve   Ambient to 300°C actuated at 24 Volts (D.C.).
External Transfer Line   Ambient to 300°C.
Sample Mount   Ambient to 100°C.
Condenser   Ambient to 250°C.
Sample Heater (optional)   Ambient to 90°C.
Sample Pathway   All tubing and related fitting use Siltek® coating.
Gas Requirements   99.999% Helium or Nitrogen
Electronic Mass Flow
  Device is capable of controlling flow rates between 5mL/min. to 500mL/min. Each mode is independently controlled. Device also capable of recording pressures for sample logging and automatic leak checking.
Unit Dimensions   Height: 19.75 inches (50.17 cm) Width: 8 inches (20.32 cm) Depth 18.5 inches (46.99 cm)
Operating System   PC using Windows® XP.
Software   Teklink® interfaced via an RS-232 connection.
Operating Conditions   The system is capable of operating in Lab Temperatures between 10-30°C and humidity levels between 10-90%.
Corrosion   The front cover is corrosion resistant to waters within a pH range of 1-10.
Voltages   100/115VAC 50/60Hz 10 amps, 1150 watts.
220/240VAC 50/60Hz, 5 amps, 1150 watts.
Weight   32 lbs. (14.5 cm)
  Tekmar公司于1974年发展了一种新方法 - 吹扫捕集技术,使得实验室分析挥发性有机物(VOCs)的方法取得了革命性的进步。从那时起,在最初的吹扫捕集技术的基础上,Tekmar一直持续不断地创新和改进。Tekmar成功推出的前八代的吹扫捕集产品已经成为了我们发展的基石,而Stratum PTC是在建立在这个基石之上的新一代产品。
  吹扫捕集原理是经过了时间验证的可靠技术。让吹扫气体以密集和细小的泡状形式通过待分析的样品基体,VOCs被吹扫气带出样品并吸附收集于捕集阱中;吹扫过程完成后,加热捕集阱,VOCs由捕集阱中解析并被传输至气相色谱仪(GC),气相色谱仪将输入的VOCs中的不同成分分离并检测。Stratum PTC的组成部分都是完成成功的吹扫捕集分析所必不可少的,包括:质量流量控制器(MFC),高级的捕集技术及惰性的样品传输管路。
  Tekmar吹扫捕集系统精华与灵魂所在是Teledyne Hasting质量流量控制器(MFC)。它以无比的精确性和准确度传输着吹扫气体。而使用它的最大的优势和特点是我们能在吹扫和捕集过程中的任何时间即时地调整气流和气压。
  Teledyne Tekmar StratTrap捕集阱提供了前所未见的捕集性能。它能高效地吸附我们所需的VOCs,而且同时能够使其他不必要的化合物的吸收达到最小化,比如水份。此外,超高速的捕集阱加热器保证了我们的StratTrap捕集阱能快速地解析,而VOCs也更快地被传输到GC,大大地提高了分析效率。
  保证残余物(carryover)最小化的关键是我们Stratum PTC的惰性样品传输管路。仪器中所有的管路和接头都经过了特殊的钝化处理,空前的改善了残留现象。用户可以更为放心的使用仪器。
Note: The Stratum TekLink™ software runs in a Microsoft® Windows XP or greater environment.
Stratum PTC 吹扫-捕集样品浓缩器信息由北京谱朋科技有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于Stratum PTC 吹扫-捕集样品浓缩器报价、型号、参数等信息, 欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应Stratum PTC 吹扫-捕集样品浓缩器外,北京谱朋科技有限公司还可为您提供其他等产品, 公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。


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