赛默飞 液相分析色谱柱 | 17126-154630

赛默飞 液相分析色谱柱 | 17126-154630

供货周期: 现货
品牌: 赛默飞
货号: 17126-154630
关注展位 全部耗材


Accucore C18

● Optimum retention of non-polar compounds

Hydrophobic interaction mechanism

Separates a broad range of analytes

The carbon loading of Accucore C18 phase provides high retention of non-polar analytes via a predominantly hydrophobic interaction mechanism.

The highly retentive nature of Accucore C18 phase means that it can be used to separate a broad range of analytes.

Accucore RP-MS

Optimized for MS detection

Excellent peak shapes

Excellent combination of speed and efficiency

Accucore RP-MS uses an optimized alkyl chain length for more effective coverage of the silica surface. This coverage results in a significant reduction in non-hydrophobic interactions and thus highly efficient peaks with very low tailing.

RP-MS offers slightly lower retention than C18 and this combined with high efficiencies and low peak tailing make this the phase of choice for use with MS detection.

The selectivity offered by Accucore RP-MS matches that of C18 columns.

Accucore aQ

Retention and resolution of polar analytes

Polar endcapped C18 stationary phase for alternative selectivity

Ideal for highly aqueous mobile phases

The polar functional group used to endcap Accucore aQ phase provides an additional controlled interaction mechanism by which polar compounds can be retained and resolved, making the Accucore aQ phase ideal for the quantitative analysis of trace levels of polar analytes.

The wettability of reversed phase media can be increased by the introduction of polar functional groups. The polar endcapping of Accucore aQ media also makes it usable in 100% aqueous mobile phases without the risk of loss of performance or poor stability.

Accucore Polar Premium

Rugged amide-embedded C18 phase

Selectivity complementary to conventional C18 phases

Stable over a wide pH range and compatible with 100% aqueous mobile phase

Accucore Polar Premium is an exceptionally rugged polar embedded reverse phase material that offers high efficiency, wider operating pH range and unique selectivity complementary to standard C18 phases.

The specially designed bonded phase is stable from pH 1.5 to 10.5 and will not undergo phase collapse in 100% aqueous mobile phase.

Accucore Phenyl-Hexyl

Mixed-mode selectivity for aromatic and moderately polar analytes

Enhanced pi-pi interactions with aromatics

Moderate hydrophobicity

The C6 chain in Accucore Phenyl-Hexyl phase exhibits classical RP retention and selectivity, while the phenyl ring can add special selectivity by interacting with polar groups within the solutes. This results in a mixed-mode separation mechanism.

The reduced hydrophobicity of this phase makes it ideal for the separation of very non-polar compounds.

The Phenyl-Hexyl phase should be selected for complex samples where some peaks are well resolved on a conventional alkyl phases, but are not well resolved on a conventional phenyl phase, or when other peaks are well resolved on a phenyl phase, but not well resolved on a conventional alkyl phase.

Accucore PFP

Alternative selectivity to C18

Extra retention for halogenated species

Unique selectivity for non-halogenated polar compounds

The introduction of fluorine groups into the Accucore PFP (pentafluorophenyl) stationary phase causes significant changes in solute-stationary phase interactions. This can lead to extra retention and selectivity for positional isomers of halogenated compounds.

PFP Columns are also well suited to the selective analysis of non-halogenated compounds, in particular polar compounds containing hydroxyl, carboxyl, nitro, or other polar groups. High selectivity is often most apparent when the functional groups are located on an aromatic or other rigid ring system.

Accucore Phenyl-X

Unique reversed-phase shape selectivity

Enhanced selectivity for aromatic compounds

Compatible with highly aqueous mobile phases

Robust, high-efficiency, low column bleed

The proprietary Accucore Phenyl-X alkyl aromatic bonded phase provides a unique selectivity when compared to other reversed phase materials such as C18 or Phenyl.

The advanced design of the bonded phase makes it compatible with highly aqueous mobile phases and robust, demonstrating very low bleed.

Phenyl-X exhibits particularly high aromatic selectivity.

Accucore C30

Ideal for separation of hydrophobic, long alkyl chain compounds

High shape selectivity for structurally related isomers

Excellent aqueous-compatibility

Accucore C30 offers high shape selectivity for hydrophobic, long chain, structurally related isomers, for example carotenoids and steroids. This is a different form of shape selectivity from that measured in the steric selectivity phase characterisation test.

It is also an excellent alternative to normal-phase columns for lipid analysis. The optimized bonding density of the long alkyl chains facilitated by a wider pore diameter particle result in a phase that is stable even in highly aqueous mobile phases.

Accucore HILIC

● Enhanced retention of polar and hydrophilic analytes

● Alternative selectivity to C18 without ion-pair or derivatization

In HILIC mode the separation occurs through two mechanisms. The primary mechanism is a partitioning effect due to the enriched water layer around the polar or charged substrate material. The secondary mechanism involves interaction between the analyte and the active surface moiety.

Analyte properties that govern retention with HILIC phases are acidity/basicity, which determines hydrogen bonding, and polarizability which determines dipole-dipole interactions.

The highly organic mobile phases used with Accucore HILIC phase ensure efficient desolvation in ESI MS detection, which in turn leads to improved sensitivity.

Accucore Urea-HILIC

Bonded hydrophilic stationary phase

Unique selectivity compared to other HILIC phases

Low ion exchange activity

Accucore Urea-HILIC has an alternative selectivity and lower ion exchange activity than other HILIC phases.

The bonded hydrophilic stationary phase provides retention of a broad range of polar analytes using up to 20% aqueous mobile phase.


Accucore 2.6μm 分析色谱柱保护柱 (4/PK)
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