

供货周期: 一周
品牌: 德图
货号: 色谱柱
关注展位 全部耗材

hypersil gold columns
  • exceptional peak symmetry and resolution
  • based on next-generation ultra pure silica
  • outstanding ph stability
  • ideal first choice for new method development
   product detail
hypersil gold columns are a new lc and lc/ms column offering excellent peak shape. based on highly pure silica, hypersil gold columns provide symmetrical peaks, even when analyzing compounds that give notoriously poor peak shape on traditional c18 or l1 chemistries.

rugged and robust manufacturing processes coupled with advanced column packing technologies produce highly efficient, reliable hypersil gold columns for applications where resolution between compounds closely related in structure is paramount. discrimination between such species is vital in drug analyses where active constituents and other trace components must be rigorously monitored. with l1 retention and se-lectivity, existing l1 methodologies are easily upgraded to hypersil gold columns with minimal loss of time, but with an impressive gain in peak shape and sensitivity.

the 3?m and 5?m hypersil gold columns are available in both unique and conventional formats, including standard analytical columns, kappa capillary columns, dash high-throughput lc/ms columns, as well as several guard formats. analytical columns and capillaries range in dimension from 75?m to 4.6mm id and lengths from 20 to 250mm. for preparative work, hypersil gold is also available in 8?m particle size and larger column dimensions, allowing ultimate flexibility in method development and transfer.

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