美国 Imatest Master(企业授权版)

美国 Imatest Master(企业授权版)

型号: Imatest Master
产地: 美国
关注展位 全部仪器

Imatest Master is a GUIbased application that can be used to set camera product requirements in R&D. Use Master’s suite of test modules to analyze over 30 popular test charts and nearly every image quality factor. Imatest Master is more efficient and reliable than creating inhouse software. Selected features include:

● SFRreg module analyzes a camera’s SFR (sharpness), allowing ultrawideangle fisheye lenses (>180 degrees) to be tested in a single image.
● Automatic analysis of the new ISO 12233:2014 Edge SFR chart
● Automatic region detection for XRite ColorChecker and more
● A Pass/Fail monitor to display results immediately after calculations are complete

Additional Information:
This license includes one year of Support. Maintaining current Support enables you to download all software updates, keeping you current on the latest product enhancements, bug fixes, and customer feature requests.

Measure device sharpness (MTF), perceptual sharpness (SQF), color response, noise, dynamic range, tonal response, lens flare (veiling glare), lens distortion, lens vignetting, and sensor nonuniformity with SFR, Colorcheck, Multicharts, Stepchart, Distortion, and Light Falloff. Imatest是美国Imatest LLC公司开发的专业数码影像评测软件,涵盖了MTF、SQF、SFR 、色彩还原、杂讯、动态范围等图像指标测试,兼用于数码相机、打印机、扫描仪等进行完整测试内容。软件系统建立于著名的工程数学运算平台Matalab,具有相当高的可靠性,制图内容相当有深度。



 Imatest master是完全功能的软件,即可用于检测数字相机、摄像机、工业相机拍摄的图像质量,也可用于交流检测结果。其功能包括:·SFRplus:可以与SFRplus测试卡配合使用,检测MTF,横向色差,畸变,阶调响应和颜色还原。 ·SFR: 配合测试卡,可检测相机和镜头的锐度,噪音,色差。可以在相对条件下比较不同相机的表现。比较的最小区域可达10X10个像素。·MTF:使用SFR的结果比较不同相机、镜头和影像系统的MTF性能。·Stepchart:配合灰阶测试卡检测相机的阶调响应,噪音,动态范围。还可用于检测曝光的准确性,镜头眩光。 ·Distortion:检测镜头的畸变,使用可打印的正方形和矩形网格计算矫正系数。 ·Uniformity:检测镜头的光分散(格晕光阑),检测多种图像传感器的不均匀性,包括色彩阴影,具体的噪音分部,可见的不均匀性,灰尘污点。标识出有问题的像素。 显示选项包括叠生在图像上的轮廓线,或伪彩色的色条。 ·Test Charts:可以生成图像文件用打于打印测试图。生成的测试卡包括SFR斜边图像,星形测试图,各种频率和反差的图样。可选项包括:反差,高光色彩,正弦线和条纹模式。可输出位图或 可绽放矢量图 (SVG)。·Print:打印检测,可以检测打印机、纸张、墨水的质量,包括色彩响应,色域,阶调响应,最大密度,ICC描述文件和呈色意图。



Quality factorChartModuleCommentsCamera, lensColor accuracyGretagMacbeth ColorChecker (24-patch)Colorcheck,Multicharts IT8.7Multicharts ColorChecker SGMultichartsImatest Master onlyCustom “pie” chartsMultichartsImatest Master onlyDynamic range, Tonal response, ContrastStep chartsStepchartTransmission charts such as the Imatest 36-Patch DR chart or the Stouffer T4110recommended for DR. AlgorithmReflective step chartsDynamic RangeMore convenient for measuring DR thanStepchartbecause it doesn’t require a transmission chart.Special charts: ISO-16067-1,QA-62, EIA Grayscale, ISO-14524OECF, ISO-15739NoiseStepchartImatest Master only. Most are available fromApplied Image.ColorChecker, ColorChecker SG, IT8.7, Step ChartsMulticharts SFRplusSFRplusDoes not measure DR. Highly automated. Measures several factors.Exposure accuracyStep chart (reflective)Stepchart GretagMacbeth ColorCheckerColorcheck Lateral chromatic aberrationSlanted edgeSFRPrintable by Test ChartsISO 12233, Applied Image QA-77Printed on photographic mediaLens distortionSquare or rectangular grid or checkerboard,DistortionPrintable by Test Charts or displayed on LDC flat screen monitor with Screen Patterns.SFRplusSFRplusHighly automated. Measures several factors.Light falloff, vignettingplain, uniformly lit surfaceLightfallCan be displayed on LDC flat screen monitor with Screen Patterns.NoiseStep chartsStepchart GretagMacbeth ColorCheckerColorcheck Sharpness (MTF)Slanted-edgeSFRPrintable by Test Charts AlgorithmISO 12233, Applied Image QA-77Printed on photographic mediaSFRplusSFRplusHighly automated. Measures several factors.Veiling glare (lens flare)Reflective step chart with “black hole”Stepchart Color moiréLog FrequencyLog Frequency Software artifactsLog F-ContrastLog F-Contrast Data compressionLog F-ContrastLog F-ContrastNot yet fully supportedPrintsDmax (deepest black tone)Custom test chart printed from file,scanned on profiled flatbed scannerPrint TestGamutvision extracts these properties from ICC profiles.

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