Telluride 碲化物

Telluride 碲化物

供货周期: 一周
货号: 4601788
关注展位 全部耗材

Our R&D team are about to release new Tellurene nanowires series (in late March,2018), you may pre-order these products when order regular Tellurene single crystals.

The first commercial vdW Tellurium (b-phase) crystals. Layered tellurium crystals have been synthesized in perfectly vdW order through flux zone growth technique. The crystal has 99.9999% (6N) rated purity and has been crystalized in perfect atomic order.

Layered tellurium (Te) has a trigonal crystal lattice (see product images) in which individual helical chains of Te atoms are stacked together by van der Waals type bonds and spiral around axes parallel to the [0001] direction at the center and corners of the hexagonal elementary cell [1-2]. Tellurene exhibits a tunable bandgap varying from nearly direct 0.31 eV (bulk) to indirect 1.17 eV (2L) and direct at 1.3 eV (1L) [3]. It has four (two) complex, highly anisotropic and layer-dependent hole (electron) pockets in the first Brillouin zone with an extraordinarily high hole mobility reaching up to theoretical ~1E5 cm2/Vs value [1-3].

Material characteristics

High carrier mobility semiconductor
Tunable IR semiconductor (Eg ranging from 0.3 to 1.3 eV from bulk to monolayers)
2D anisotropic semiconductor
Physical size ~1cm or larger;

Note: This product is same as tellurene material. While material itself is perfectly crystallized in trigonal form (weakly coupled Te chains are present), it is inherently harder to exfoliate in comparison to graphene or MoS2. For best results, we recommend using strongly adhesive tapes or liquid exfoliation technique.

Related references

[1] "Two-dimensional tellurium" Nature 552, 40-41 (2017)

[2] "Large-area solution-grown 2D tellurene for air-stable, high-performance field-effect transistors"; arXiv:1704.06202

[3] "Few-layer Tellurium: one-dimensional-like layered elementary semiconductor with striking physical properties" ;

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