TaS3 三硫化钽晶体

TaS3 三硫化钽晶体

供货周期: 一周
货号: 4601137
关注展位 全部耗材

Environmentally stable anisotropic transition metal trichalcogenide material TaS3 is available at 2Dsemiconductors USA. TaS3 is a layered material like MoS2 and other layered systems, except that it exhibits highly anisotropic crystalline structure and material properties (Like ReS2 or TiS3). The presence of the crystalline anisotropy results in direction dependent properties like thermal conductivity, electronic mobility, and excitonic binding energies. TaS3 undergoes metal to semiconductor transition from bulk to monolayers, and it has been shown that TaS3 has an excellent electronic response, anisotropic conductivity, sensing potential, and CDWs. In a typical order, a large number of layered needle like sheets are contained in a capsule sealed under Argon environment. Crystals have been characterized by TEM, XPS, SIMS, and XRD and possess perfect 1:3 stoichiometry and defect density less than 1 defects / 10,000 unit cells.

Crystal size ~ 1 cm

Material characteristics

Charge-density wave material
Depending on the thickness, it is narrow band gap semiconductor or metallic
High carrier mobility material
2D anisotropic material
2D Catalytic material

Related literature

TaS3 Nanofibers: Layered Trichalcogenide for High-Performance Electronic and Sensing Devices.; ACS Nano. 2018 Jan 23;12(1):464-473 [Link]

Quantization of states and strain-induced transformation of charge-density waves in the quasi-one-dimensional conductor TaS3
Phys. Rev. B 94, 115140 (2016)

Charge-density-wave transport in orthorhombic TaS3. I. Nonlinear conductivity Phys. Rev. B 26, 5773 (1982)

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